Gossamer Bio, Inc. announced that data from its functional respiratory imaging, or FRI, sub-study of the successful Phase 2 TORREY Study of seralutinib in patients with PAH will be presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress 2023. Dr. Roham Zamanian, Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Stanford University, will present the data during a session on novel treatments in pulmonary hypertension management on Sunday, September 10th. The TORREY FRI sub-study utilized novel, non-invasive CT imaging techniques from Fluidda, an innovative medical technology company, to evaluate the impact of seralutinib treatment on pulmonary arterial blood vessel volume distribution.

Following 24 weeks of seralut in treatment, a statistically significant improvement in the ratio of blood vessel volume of small to large pulmonary arteries was observed as compared to placebo, indicating that seralutinib improved pulmonary vascular abnormalities associated with PAH. This improvement correlated with important cardiopulmonary hemodynamic measurements. Gossamer will again partner with Fluidda to evaluate FRI measurements in a sub-study of the Phase 3 PROSERA Study.

If the results are confirmed in Phase 3, this non-invasive imaging modality could further support seralutinib's anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic reverse-remodeling mechanism of action.