Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. announced The term of Salary Remuneration Rommittee is expired. Name of the functional committees:Salary Remuneration Rommittee Name of the previous position holder: (1)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:DING JIN HUEI, (2)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:SHER CHING YEE, (3)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:LIN YUK YAN MAYA. Resume of the previous position holder: (1)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:DING JIN HUEI /Head of Public Accountant Firms, (2)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent irector:SHER CHING YEE /Board Chairman, (3)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:LIN YUK YAN MAYA /Chief. 5.Name of the new position holder: 1)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:DING JIN HUEI, (2)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:SHER CHING YEE,
(3)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:LEE JENN YUH. Resume of the new position holder: (1)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:DING JIN HUEI /Head of Public Accountant Firms, (2)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:SHER CHING YEE /Board Chairman,
(3)Grand Ocean Retail Group Ltd. /independent director:LEE JENN YUH /Assistant of Chief Executive Officer and Chief of Development Department.
Effective date of the new member: June 15 2023.