Green Compliance Water Hygiene and Treatmentis a complete water treatment, water hygiene and air solutions company, dedicated to providing customers with innovative environmental solutions. We specialise in ensuring that we understand our customers' requirements and how to fulfil them. We do this by providing a bespoke package to give safe water systems, peace of mind and above all complete compliance.

Legionella Safety Event in Aberdeen

11.45am - 2pm, Wednesday 20 May, 2015, Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce

Keeping staff and customers safe from legionella will be just one of the subjects covered at Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce's May seminar. The programme will also provide advice on identifying and implementing water efficiency opportunities, helping delegates to improve water quality, cut consumption and reduce water utility costs.

The 'Water Compliance: Home and Dry' seminar will take place on Wednesday 20th May 2015 at the AGCC centre on Aberdeen Energy Park. It will be delivered by a team of experts from three of the UK's leading water management and sustainability companies: Green Compliance, Minimise Solutions and Minimise Group. All three are part of the Minimise Group of sustainability companies.

Seminar booking details are available on

For those with an on-site water tank, Graham Maze, Country Manager - Scotland, from Green Compliance Water Division, will provide advice on how to complete a legally compliant legionella risk assessment. He will also update delegates on their legal obligations to staff, customers, visitors and the public with regard to water used within everyday activities. Areas covered will include advice on how to instigate written risk assessments, control systems and record keeping. Graham will also provide guidance on what is reasonably practicable and the steps that organisations need to take to ensure legal compliance.

Jason Plent, Managing Director of Minimise Solutions, and Mike Kennedy, Group Director, Sales Operations, Minimise Group, will explain how organisations can improve water efficiency. With new regulations on the horizon, water is widely identified as the utility which will see the largest increase in cost over the next 20 years; it is therefore essential that businesses take steps to limit these price rises by improving performance while remaining compliant. This session will provide advice on what organisations can do now - and what they should prepare to instigate in the coming years.

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