Hempco Food and Fiber Inc. provided an operational update on a new product launch and the process towards approval of the proposed strategic investment by Aurora. As part of its whole-crop-utilization strategy, the company will be launching a new product line aimed at the animal feed supplement market for horse and dogs. Hempco has conducted a thorough research and testing program with specific focus on horse and dog feed supplements, which included extensive consultation with veterinarians. The program was in compliance with the standards set by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and aimed to assess the viability of developing a line of hemp-based products that would meet the Low Risk Veterinary Health Products standards, as administered by North American Compendiums. The program showed a number of important health and well-being benefits for animals, and consequently Hempco intends to launch its new product line, PRAISE, for the dog and horse food supplements market in the next 60 days.