Heritage Global Inc. announced that David Ludwig, President of the company’s Financial Asset Division, has been elected to its Board of Directors. Mr. Ludwig’s appointment fills the vacancy created with the recent resignation of Allan C. Silber from the Board of Directors. Dave Ludwig is the President of Heritage Global’s Financial Asset division which comprises the Company’s National Loan Exchange (NLEX) and Heritage Global Capital subsidiaries. He joined Heritage Global in 2014, with the Company’s acquisition of NLEX™, which he developed from its start as a post-Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) sales outlet to the nation’s leading broker of charged-off credit card and consumer debt accounts. With more than 25 years of experience in the financial industry, he is considered a leading pioneer in the debt sales industry, and has been a featured speaker at many industry conferences. He has also been quoted in numerous publications including the New York Times, LA Times, Collections and Credit Risk, Collector Magazine, and serves as consultant and expert witness within the industry.