Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation announced the promotion of Hisashi Horikoshi as Vice President and Executive Officer from the current position of Executive Officer, CHRO and General Manager, Human Resources & General Affairs Div., CSR Div. The company also appointed Takashi Iizumi as Executive Officer, Sukehiro Ito as Executive Officer and Mikio Takagi as Executive Officer. The company announced the retirement of Ryuichi Nakashima as Vice President and Executive Officer, CIO and CTrO and is Scheduled to be appointed Senior Adviser, Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, effective April 1, 2017. The company also announced the retirement of Hirohide Omoto as Executive Officer, Deputy General Manager, Electronic Device Systems Business Group and General Manager, Kasado Design & Production Div. The company announced the retirement of Tsutomu Okada as Executive Officer, Deputy General Manager, Science & Medical Systems Business Group. The promotion and appointments are effective from April 1, 2017.