HUB24 Limited announced earnings results for the half year ended 31 December 2015. Net inflows were $668 million (an increase of 85% over the prior corresponding period) have driven significant improvements in the company's financial performance. Revenue from ordinary activities for the half year increased 71% to $20.443 million, up from $11.973 million reported for the previous corresponding period with 114% increase in recurring platform revenue to $6.963 million. Also, the EBITDA result was improved by 63% from a loss of $2.514 million to a loss of $0.923 million.

The board of directors advised that Mr. Hugh Roberston has notified his intention to retire from the board effective 29 February 2016. Mr. Roberston commenced as a director in April 2011 and is currently the longest serving nonexecutive director of HUB24.