INFRA - Infratek appointed main supplier in two areas by E.ON

Infratek, with the business area Local Infrastructure, has been appointed as the main supplier of two areas in E.ON Elnät’s main frame agreement in Sweden. In addition, Infratek is also selected as a project supplier in several geographical areas.

The total estimated annual value is SEK 170 million.

The contract runs over three years, with an option for one more year.

The total volume of the contracts for Infratek is slightly lower than the existing agreements with E.ON Elnät, but the awarded contracts are in line with Infratek’s strategic positioning in densely populated areas in the Nordic region.

Infratek ASA

Oslo, 8 June 2011

For further information, please contact:

Vibecke Skjolde, CFO

+ 47 916 62 110,

Lars Bangen, Group Executive Vice President Local Infrastructure

+ 47 907 81 223,

About Infratek ASA:

Infratek is one of the leading Nordic players within building, operating and securing of critical infrastructure. The Group delivers a wide range of services for power grids, fiber networks, district

heating, public street lighting, railway systems and technical high security solutions. Infratek has 1,900

employees in Norway, Sweden and Finland, and had revenues of NOK 2.7 billion in 2010. Infratek is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. For further information, please see