InMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced the addition of Dr. David G. Morgan to its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) reinforcing the company's commitment to advancing it's INM-901 program in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Dr. David Morgan is Director of the Alzheimer's Alliance and MSU Foundation Professor of Translational Neuroscience at Michigan State University. Dr. Morgan's research interests are Alzheimer's disease, aging and brain function.

He is internationally recognized for his work on immunotherapy and gene therapy to treat the Alzheimer-related pathologies. Previously, he was CEO of the Byrd Alzheimer's Institute at the University of South Florida. While there, Dr. Morgan oversaw development of the Community-Based Memory Screening programs and the country's first mobile clinical trial unit for Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Morgan received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Northwestern University and spent 10 years at the University of Southern California before joining the University of South Florida in 1992. He has participated in over 90 grant-years of NIH funded research and published over 200 research articles. Dr. Morgan regularly sits on grant review panels for NIH and other agencies.

In addition to his research activities, he has consulted with both major pharmaceutical and small biotechnology companies and also advised capital investment organizations regarding the most promising therapeutic approaches to curing Alzheimer's disease. He has also advocated nationally for additional Alzheimer's research funding through his role at Researchers Against Alzheimer's and with the Alzheimer's Association.