Inspira? Technologies OXY B.H.N. Ltd. announced the AMAR submission for approval of the INSPIRA? ART100, marking a significant milestone in Inspira's venture into new markets.

AMAR - the Israeli Ministry of Health's medical device regulation unit, is the authority responsible for controlling medical device licenses and approvals including the issuance of certificates of free sale which are necessary for marketing regulatory approvals in the Southeast Asia and South American markets, potentially propelling the Company towards targeting exceptional growth opportunities. The INSPIRA? ART (Gen 2) utilizes adaptive blood oxygenation technology to continuously measure the patient's blood parameters in real-time to deliver needed oxygen volume straight into the blood.

The unique technology is designed to allow for the targeted control of oxygenation levels, thereby adapting to the individual needs of each patient. This method is expected to significantly reduce complications associated with traditional ventilation methods, shorten hospital stays and potentially save lives. The INSPIRA?

ART (Gen 2) device is the culmination of extensive research and development efforts by the team at Inspira. It is designed to offer an alternative to traditional mechanical ventilation, providing patients with a less invasive, more comfortable, and potentially more effective treatment option. The device is intended to integrate cutting-edge technologies to enhance oxygenation, reduce the need for intubation, and improve overall patient outcomes.