The Board of the International Biotechnology Trust plc announced the appointment of Gillian Elcock as a Non-executive Director of the Company with effect from 1 February 2023. Gillian Elcock is the founder of Denny Ellison, an independent research and analyst training company, and was its Managing Director for ten years. Prior to this, she worked as an equity research analyst for several years at Putnam Investments and Insight Investment.

She was named a finalist in the 'Investment Analyst of the Year' category of the Women in Investment Awards 2018. She started her career as a management consultant at The Boston Consulting Group. Gillian is a member of the Board of the CFA UK and was previously Chair of the society's Networks Steering Committee and a member of its Nominating Committee.

She holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School and MEng and BSc degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.