The Board of Interra Resources Limited approved the redesignation of Mr. Ng Soon Kai from Non-Executive Director to Non-Executive Chairman. Job Title: Non-Executive Chairman NC Member. Working Experience: 2015 to Present: Partner, Lee & Lee; 2001 to 2015: Partner, Ng Chong & Hue LLC.

Other directorships past: Katsura Holdings Pte. Ltd.; Tanami Holdings Pte. Ltd.; CMS Resources Pte.

Ltd. Other directorships present: Partner, Lee & Lee Tymely Corporate Services Pte. Ltd; Ng Chong & Hue LLC (pending struck-off); Surge Investments Pte. Ltd.; Seroja Provender Tech Pte.

Ltd.; Tong An Investments Pte. Ltd.; Worldwide Aviation Investments Pte. Ltd; Seroja Investments Limited.

Director Experience Details: 2005 to 2022: Non-Executive Director, Interra Resources Limited; 2015 to present: Non-Executive Director, Seroja Investments Limited. Professional Qualifications: LLB (Hons) degree from the National University of Singapore. Appointment date is August 28, 2023.