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Jiangling Motors




Jiangling B

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.

Public Announcement on Independent Director's Resignation

Note: Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. and its Board members undertake that the information disclosed herein is truthful, accurate and complete and contains no false statement, misrepresentation or major omission.

Recently, Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'JMC' or the 'Company') received a written resignation letter from Independent Director Wang Xu. Due to personal working reason, Ms. Wang Xu will resign from the position of JMC Independent Director, the Chairman of Audit Committee and Member of Compensation Committee under the Board. Ms. Wang Xu will not take any position of the Company after her resignation.

Mr. Wang Xu declares that she has no different opinion with the Board of Directors of the Company, and there is no special matters for the attention of the shareholders and creditors of the Company.

Given that the number of Independent Directors of the Company will be less than 1/3 of the total number of the Board members, prior to the election of a new Independent Director by the Shareholders' Meeting, Ms. Wang Xu will continue to fulfill her duties as Independent Director and member of special committees under the Board in accordance with the requirements of the laws & regulations and the Articles of Association of JMC,.

The Board of Directors will elect a new Independent Director as soon as possible in accordance with relevant regulations.

The Board of Directors appreciates Ms. Wang Xu's contribution to the Company during the period serving as the Independent Director of the Company.

Board of Directors

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.

June 27, 2015

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