Prince Alwaleed Meets 31 Heads of State, Ministers & Senior Officials During 15th Francophonie Summit

December 4, 2014

HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, Chairman of Kingdom Holding Company (KHC), met with 31 Heads of State, Vice-Presidents, Prime Ministers and ministers during his visit to the 15th Francophonie Summit at the International Conference Centre of Dakar in response to an invitation from HE Mr. Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal. The summit aims at further strengthening the current investment and economic relations within the Francophonie countries. 

The summit was attended by HE French President François Hollande, Heads of State, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers and Government representatives.

During the Summit Prince Alwaleed met with Heads of State, Vice-Presidents and Prime Ministers which included:

President of France HE François Hollande

President of the Republic of Senegal HE Mr. Macky Sall

President of the Republic of Cameroon HE Mr.Paul Biya 

President of Burkina Faso HE Mr.Blaise Compaore 

President of the Republic of Benin HE Mr.Thomas Boni Yayi

President of the Republic of Madagascar HE Mr. Hery Rakotoari 

President of the Republic of Congo-Brazzaville HE Mr. Denis Sassou-Nguesso 

President of the Republic of Ivory Coast HE Mr. Alassane Ouattara 

President of the Republic of Mauritania HE Mr. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz 

President of the Republic of Gabon HE Mr. Ali Ben Bongo Ondimba

President of the Republic of Togo HE Mr. Faure Gnassingbe 

President of the Republic of Kosovo HE Ms. Atifete Jahjaga 

President of the Republic of Niger HE Issoufou Mahamadou

President of the Republic of Congo-Kinshasa HE Joseph Kabila 

HRH Prince of Monaco Albert II 

President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea HE Mr. Teodoro Mbasogo

President of the Republic of Guinea HE Mr. Alpha Conde 

President of the Republic of Laos HE Lt. General Choummali Saignason

President of the Republic of Mali HE Mr. Ibrahim Keita 

Vice-President of  the Republic of  Vietnam HE Mr. Nguyen Thị Doan 

Prime Minister of Canada HE Mr. Stephen Joseph Harper 

Prime Minister of Belgium HE Mr. Elio Di Rupo

Prime Minister of the Republic of Egypt HE Mr. Ibrahim Mehlab 

Prime Minister Republic of Tunisia HE Mr. Mehdi Jomaa 

Director General  of UNESCO Ms. Irina Bokova 

Secretary General of the Organization of French-speaking countries (Francophonie) Ms. Michaëlle Jean

Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Morocco HE Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar 

Qatari Minister of Culture HE Dr. Hamad Al-Kuwari 

Foreign Minister of the Republic of Algeria HE Mr. Ramtane Lamamra 

Foreign Minister of the Republic of  Lebanon HE Mr. Adnan Mansour 

Foreign Minister of Seychelles HE Mr. James Michel

In addition, Prince Alwaleed met with President Sall, during the meeting political, economic and investment issues were discussed. The President commended Prince Alwaleed on his local, regional and international investments. Also during the visit to the Senegal HRH met with HE French President François Hollande and the two discussed political, economic, investment and cultural matters.

The delegation included Dr. Nahla Nasser Alanbar, Private Executive Assistant to HRH the Chairman, Dr. Jihad Aoukal, Private Physician to HRH the Chairman, Ms. Hassna Al Turki, Department Head, Travel & External Affairs, Mr. Hassan Moukhtar, Advisor to HRH the Chairman, Mr. Fahad Bin Saad Bin Nafel, Executive Assistant to HRH the Chairman and Mr. Kacy Grine, Advisor to HRH the Chairman.

In 2013, Prince Alwaleed received HE Mr. Youssou N'Dour, Minister of Tourism and Culture of the Republic of Senegal and an accompanying delegation. In the same year, Prince Alwaleed visited the Senegal and met with President Sall at the presidential palace, the meeting was also attended by Senegalese Ministers, KHC and Prince Alwaleed's private office delegation. In addition, Prince Alwaleed spoke about His Highness's meeting with the President during a press conference. Moreover the President honored Prince Alwaleed the presidential medal "Grand Officer Del'ordre National Du Lion."

Prince Alwaleed had visited Senegal in 2003, and met with Former President. During the visit, Prince Alwaleed was awarded the highest national award, the rank of "Grand Officer of The National Order of The Lion", in recognition of his highness' visit to Senegal. Prince Alwaleed had donated through Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation - Global that is chaired by HRH approximately to the Senegal for the development of health and education projects there.

HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, Chairman of Kingdom Holding Company (KHC), met HE French President François Hollande during their visit to the Republic of Senegal.

During the meeting, Mr. Hollande and Prince Alwaleed discussed political, economic and cultural matters. They also discussed the bi-lateral relations between Saudi Arabia and France, especially KHC's investments in France that are considered to be the largest Saudi Arabian presence in France through the ownership and management of the iconic landmark The Four Seasons Hotel George V, the management of Le Royal Monceau Hotel (Raffles), Euro Disney, Paris that was saved from bankruptcy by KHC and Walt Disney and through the presence of Citigroup. Also Prince Alwaleed's cultural contributions through Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation that have donated US$20 million in 2005 to establish the center of Islamic Art at the Musée du Louvre.

The meeting between President Hollande and Prince Alwaleed was also attended by HE Mr. Laurent Fabius, Foreign Minister of France, Ms. Hassna Al Turki, Department Head, Travel & External Affairs, Mr. Fahad Bin Saad Bin Nafel, Executive Assistant to HRH the Chairman and Mr. Kacy Grine, Advisor to HRH the Chairman.

Moreover, during the visit Mr. Hollande and Prince Alwaleed attended the 15th Francophonie Summit at the International Conference Centre of Dakar in response to an invitation from HE Mr. Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal. The summit aims at further strengthening the current investment and economic relations within the Francophonie countries.

The summit was attended by  Heads of State, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers and Senior Government Officials of countries which have the French language in common on the theme of "Women and Children in the Francophonie: Peacemakers and Key-players for Development".

In addition, Prince Alwaleed met with President Sall, during the meeting the two discussed economic and investment issues. The President commended Prince Alwaleed on his local, regional and international investments. 

In 2013, Prince Alwaleed received HE Mr. Youssou N'Dour, Minister of Tourism and Culture of Senegal and an accompanying delegation. In the same year, Prince Alwaleed visited the Senegal and met with President Mr. Macky Sall at the presidential palace, the meeting was also attended by Senegalese Ministers, KHC and Prince Alwaleed's private office delegation. Moreover the President honored Prince Alwaleed the presidential medal "Grand Officer Del'ordre National Du Lion."

Prince Alwaleed had visited Senegal in 2003, and met with Former President. During the visit, Prince Alwaleed was awarded the highest national award, the rank of "Grand Officer of The National Order of The Lion", in recognition of his highness' visit to Senegal. Prince Alwaleed had donated through Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation - Global that is chaired by HRH approximately $1,500,000 to Senegal for the development of health and education projects there.

Recently, Prince Alwaleed met Mr. Tom Wolber, President of Euro Disney S.A.S, Paris. The two discussed a number of issues that included KHC's investment in Euro Disney in which it holds a 10 % stake. In August 2014, French President François Hollande and Prince Alwaleed held a meeting at the French presidential Palace, The Elysee. In June 2014, KHC and Caisse des Dépôts International Capital (CDC International Capital - CDCIC) have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) to establish an investment vehicle jointly managed by CDCIC and KHC seeking to develop Saudi projects and ventures that shall benefit from the involvement of French companies, technologies and know how.

In 2012, President Hollande and Prince Alwaleed inaugurated the new center of Islamic Art at the Musée du Louvre in Paris in the presence of Mr. Henrie Loyrette, Director of the Louvre Museum and Ms. Aurélie Filippetti, Minister of Culture and Communications during a ceremony. In response to an invitation from the former French President Nicolas Sarkozy who presided the G8 Summit for 2011, Prince Alwaleed attended the e-G8 forum that was held the eve of the G8 Summit.

The Four Seasons Hotel George V was ranked in Gallivanter's Guide "Best City Hotel Worldwide" and "Best European City Hotel" for 11 years. Prince Alwaleed acquired the George V in 1996 for $178 million. A two-year $125 million comprehensive renovation was started in 1997. The total cost of acquiring the hotel and renovation amounted to $303 million, reflecting the Prince's dedication to restore the glory of this landmark.

In 2006, HRH was bestowed the medal of "Legion of Honor," with the rank of Commander by the former French President, Jacques Chirac during an official ceremony held at the Élysée Palace. The medal is the country's highest civilian honor, and it was bestowed to the Prince in recognition of his role in strengthening Saudi-French cultural, business and economic relations. In 2007, HRH was awarded the "Golden" medal by the French Minister of Culture and Communication.

HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, Chairman of Kingdom Holding Company (KHC), and accompanying delegation visited the Republic of Senegal. During the visit, Prince Alwaleed attended the 15thFrancophonie Summit at the International Conference Centre of Dakar in response to an invitation from HE Mr. Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal. The summit aims at further strengthening the current investment and economic relations within the Francophonie countries.

The summit was attended by HE French President François Hollande,  Heads of State, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers and Government representatives which have the French language in common on the theme of "Women and Children in the Francophonie: Peacemakers and Key-players for Development".

In addition, Prince Alwaleed met with President Sall, during the meeting the two discussed economic and investment issues. The President commended Prince Alwaleed on his local, regional and international investments. Also during the visit to the Senegal HRH met with HE French President François Hollande and the two discussed political, economic and cultural matters.

The delegation included Dr. Nahla Nasser Alanbar, Private Executive Assistant to HRH the Chairman, Dr. Jihad Aoukal, Private Physician to HRH the Chairman, Ms. Hassna Al Turki, Department Head, Travel & External Affairs, Mr. Hassan Moukhtar, Advisor to HRH the Chairman, Mr. Fahad Bin Saad Bin Nafel, Executive Assistant to HRH the Chairman and Mr. Kacy Grine, Advisor to HRH the Chairman.

In 2013, Prince Alwaleed received HE Mr. Youssou N'Dour, Minister of Tourism and Culture of the Republic of Senegal and an accompanying delegation. In the same year, Prince Alwaleed visited the Senegal and met with President Sall at the presidential palace, the meeting was also attended by Senegalese Ministers, KHC and Prince Alwaleed's private office delegation. In addition, Prince Alwaleed spoke about His Highness's meeting with the President during a press conference. Moreover the President honored Prince Alwaleed the presidential medal "Grand Officer Del'ordre National Du Lion."

Prince Alwaleed had visited Senegal in 2003, and met with Former President. During the visit, Prince Alwaleed was awarded the highest national award, the rank of "Grand Officer of The National Order of The Lion", in recognition of his highness' visit to Senegal. Prince Alwaleed had donated through Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation - Global that is chaired by HRH approximately $1,500,000 to Senegal for the development of health and education projects there.

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