Board of Directors of Komatsu Ltd. in the Board meeting held February 16, 2024 the following changes Due to the change of management structure Takeshi Horikoshi Representative as Director and Senior Executive Officer (Senmu) from Present Position Director and Senior Executive Officer (Senmu). Masayuki Moriyama as Director from Present Position Representative Director and Senior Executive Officer (Senmu). Hiroyuki Ogawa, currently President and Chief Executive Officer, Representative Director will continue to serve in the same position.
As a result, Hiroyuki Ogawa and Takeshi Horikoshi will serve as Komatsu's representative directors. With the completion of his term after the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders planned to be held in June 2024, Masayuki Moriyama is scheduled to retire from the Board of Directors and assume the position of Advisor to President, Senior Fellow (In charge of Mining Business). Name: Takeshi Horikoshi.
Date of Birth: August 1, 1961. Business Career: April 2024: Scheduled to take office as Representative Director and Senior Executive Officer (Senmu) CFO, April 2023: Took office as Director and Senior Executive Officer (Senmu) (current). June 2021: Took office as Director and Senior Executive Officer (Jomu), April 2020: Took office as Senior Executive Officer (Jomu), April 2018 CFO (current), April 2017: Took office as Executive Officer, May 2016: General Manager of Corporate Controlling Department, June 2012: General Manager of Finance & Treasury Department, November 2008 Komatsu Europe International N.V. (until November 2011), September 1998 Komatsu France S.A.S (until May 2003), February 1996 Komatsu UK Ltd. April 1985: Joined Komatsu Ltd. Accounting Section, Administration Department of Osaka Plant.
Appointment Date is As of April 1, 2024.