KONZUM PE Magántokealap, managed by Konzum Investment Fund Management Zrt., Konzum Management Kft. and Konzum Befektetesi es Vagyonkezelo Nyrt. (DB:KNZ3) offered to acquire 50.98% stake in Appeninn Vagyonkezelo Holding Nyrt (BUSE:APPENINN) from Lehn Consulting AG and others for HUF 5.3 billion on August 25, 2017. As part of the deal, the shares will be acquired at a purchase price of HUF 261. The offer is a consequence of the transaction where, KONZUM PE Magántokealap and Konzum Befektetesi es Vagyonkezelo Nyrt signed agreements to acquire 24.51% stakes each, in Appeninn Vagyonkezelo Holding Nyrt by OTC derivative contract at an average price of HUF 228.9 per share. The deal is subject to approval of National Bank of Hungary and Hungarian Competition Authority. As of September 4, 2017, the Board of Directors of Appeninn does not recommend the shareholders to accept the offer. As of October 3, 2017, National Bank of Hungary approved the deal. The commencement date of bidding period is on October 5, 2017 and the closing date is November 3, 2017.

KONZUM PE Magántokealap, managed by Konzum Investment Fund Management Zrt. Konzum Management Kft. and Konzum Befektetesi es Vagyonkezelo Nyrt. (DB:KNZ3) cancelled the acquisition of 50.98% stake in Appeninn Vagyonkezelo Holding Nyrt (BUSE:APPENINN) from Lehn Consulting AG and others on November 3, 2017. The deadline set for the acceptance of the mandatory public bid expired on November 3, 2017. Until the said date no declaration of acceptance has been received regarding the bid.