Further to immediate reports of Koor Industries Ltd. ("the Company")on February 27, 2014 (Refs. 2014-01-000489, 2014-01-000492 and 2014-01-000495) ("the Notices of Early Redemption") concerning full early redemption of the Debentures (Series H), Debentures (Series (I) and Debentures (Series J) of the Company ("Debentures (Series H)", "(Debentures (Series (I)", "(Debentures (Series J)", respectively), which will be made in coordination with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd. on March 17, 2014 ("the Early Redemption Date"), and further to the immediate report of the Company on March 2, 2014 (Ref. 2014-01-002280) concerning the closing of the merger transaction to which the parties are the Company, Discount Investments Ltd, (the controlling shareholder in the Company) and DIC Merger 2013 Ltd., the Company hereby reports as follows:

1. Debentures (Series H)

1.1 The sum out of the amount of the early redemption of Debentures (Series H) that exceeds the balance of the outstanding principal and the linkage differentials accrued to the Early Redemption Date, which is NIS 75,195,898, represents 10.20000% of the balance of the outstanding linked principal of Debentures (Series H).

1.2 It is clarified that the amount in shekels noted in sub-section 1.1 and the other amounts noted in the Notice of Early Redemption of Debentures (Series H), were calculated according to the known CPI on the date of publication of this notice, and they could change if a positive or negative change occurs in the known CPI by the Early Redemption Date. After publication of the CPI for February 2014, the Company will publish an immediate report noting the actual amount of the total early redemption for each NIS 1 par value of Debentures (Series H) and the amount of the early redemption that will actually be paid to the holders of Debentures (Series H).

2. Debentures (Series I)

The sum out of the amount of the early redemption of Debentures (Series I) that exceeds the outstanding balance of the principal, which is NIS 18,219,485, represents 5.96463% of the outstanding balance of the principal of Debentures (Series I).

3. Debentures (Series J)

The sum out of the amount of the early redemption of Debentures (Series J) that exceeds the outstanding balance of the principal, which is NIS 4,879,326, represents 14.52147% of the outstanding balance of the principal of Debentures (Series J).

For more information about the full early redemption of Debentures (Series H), (Debentures (Series (I) and (Debentures (Series J), see the Notices of Early Redemption published by the Company on February 27, 2014 (as referred to in the introductory paragraph to this notice).

A private special purpose company wholly owned by DIC.
The CPI of January 2014, published on February 14, 2014.

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