Levitee Labs Inc. announces the formation of a Medical Advisory Board consisting of experts across a diverse group of fields, including addiction, mental health, drug development, compounding, chronic pain, policy, neurology, and psychedelics. The Levitee Labs Medical Advisory Board consists of: Dr. Pamela J. Simms-Mackey, MD, FAAP: Dr. Simms-Mackey is the Chair of Pediatrics and Chief of Graduate Medical Education at Alameda Health System (AHS). Prior to her role at AHS, Simms-Mackey was the director of Graduate Medical Education and Pediatric Residency Program at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland.

Mark Tarnopolsky, MD, PhD, FRCP(C): Dr. Tarnopolsky is Professor of Pediatrics and holds an Endowed Chair in, and is Division Head of, Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic Diseases at McMaster University Children's Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario. In addition to extensive research efforts into the diagnosis and therapeutic options for these disorders, he has published over 500 PubMed articles with an h-index of 130. Noha ElSayed, B.Sc.Pharm, APA:Mrs. ElSayed earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy and obtained her Additional Prescribing Authorities from The Alberta College of Pharmacists.

She is an active member of several specialized health care networks. BakirAl Tikriti, MD M.B.ch.B CCFP PGC(PAIN):Dr. Al Tikriti is an addiction medicine and chronic pain management specialist. He deals with complex addiction and mental health cases and medical management for chronic pain complex patients.

Dr. Al Tikriti obtained his certificate in chronic pain management at the University of Alberta. Mohammed Mosli, MD, FRCPC, ISAM:Dr. Mosli is a multilingual Public Health and Preventive Medicine physician specialized in Addictions Health, health services improvement, health promotion, environmental public health, and health policy. He has spent the last five years as a Medical Officer of Canada's largest province-wide, fully-integrated health system that serves over four million patients.

ending Mvilongo, MD: Dr. ending Mvilongo is an Anesthesiologist working in Montréal, Québec. After graduating from Laurentian University with a BSc (Hon) in Physics, she completed a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Queen's University before pursuing medical school at Université Laval in Québec City, Québec. She returned to her native Montréal for her residency in Anesthesiology at McGill University.