LiveVox launched the latest version of its comprehensive, open platform, LV19. This new release simplifies the ways that contact center leaders create seamless customer journeys, while increasing agent efficiency and impact. LV19 empowers contact center decision-makers to: Discover a new way to understand customers through the LiveVox Happiness Index, displaying conversation sentiment in real time during every customer interaction and also generating a holistic sentiment score across each customer's full interaction history.

Enhance Contact Center collaboration through LiveVox Connect, combining the best elements of collaboration tools across the industry with real-time prioritization to connect staff across the contact center and keep dispersed teams aligned, engaged, and on task. Transform agent efficiency through LiveVox Agent Assist. By leveraging real-time speech analytics, Agent Assist enables real-time call transcripts, automated post-call note summarization, in-conversation assistance, alerts, and more.

Ensure increased platform uptime and security through the 100% public cloud platform and enterprise-grade security protocols.