Movements in ECL by division on an underlying basis

                     ECL at       Net ECL                 Write-offs                   ECL at 
                     31 Mar                                              statement     31 Dec 
                     2021         increase/(decrease)     and other                    2020 
                     GBPm           GBPm                      GBPm             GBPm            GBPm 
UK Mortgages         1,518        (87)                    (15)           (72)          1,605 
Credit cards         894          (64)                    (92)           28            958 
Loans and overdrafts 707          (8)                     (116)          108           715 
UK Motor Finance     503          2                       (9)            11            501 
Other                221          (8)                     (14)           6             229 
Retail               3,843        (165)                   (246)          81            4,008 
Commercial Banking   1,932        (470)                   (67)           (403)         2,402 
Other                451          1                       2              (1)           450 
Total1               6,226        (634)                   (311)          (323)         6,860  1. Total ECL includes GBP32 million relating to other non customer-related assets (31 December 2020: GBP28 million). 


Group loans and advances to customers and expected credit loss allowances - underlying basis

                                        Stage 1        Stage 2       Stage 3       Total          Stage 2     Stage 3 
                                                                                                  as % of     as % of 
At 31 March 2021                        GBPm             GBPm            GBPm            GBPm 
                                                                                                  total       total 
Loans and advances to customers 
UK Mortgages                            260,458        35,838        4,428         300,724        11.9        1.5 
Credit cards                            10,632         3,189         352           14,173         22.5        2.5 
Loans and overdrafts                    7,652          1,439         324           9,415          15.3        3.4 
UK Motor Finance                        12,947         2,256         232           15,435         14.6        1.5 
Other                                   18,170         1,218         182           19,570         6.2         0.9 
Retail1                                 309,859        43,940        5,518         359,317        12.2        1.5 
SME                                     28,063         3,322         860           32,245         10.3        2.7 
Other                                   46,297         6,331         2,526         55,154         11.5        4.6 
Commercial Banking                      74,360         9,653         3,386         87,399         11.0        3.9 
Insurance and Wealth                    856            33            59            948            3.5         6.2 
Central items2                          54,384         -             7             54,391         -           - 
Total gross lending                     439,459        53,626        8,970         502,055        10.7        1.8 
ECL allowance on drawn balances         (1,273)        (2,186)       (2,340)       (5,799) 
Net balance sheet carrying value        438,186        51,440        6,630         496,256 
Group ECL allowance (drawn and undrawn) 
UK Mortgages                            100            751           667           1,518          49.5        43.9 
Credit cards                            190            532           172           894            59.5        19.2 
Loans and overdrafts                    210            334           163           707            47.2        23.1 
UK Motor Finance3                       177            171           155           503            34.0        30.8 
Other                                   51             117           53            221            52.9        24.0 
Retail1                                 728            1,905         1,210         3,843          49.6        31.5 
SME                                     130            162           123           415            39.0        29.6 
Other                                   193            316           999           1,508          21.0        66.2 
Commercial Banking                      323            478           1,122         1,923          24.9        58.3 
Insurance and Wealth                    11             1             10            22             4.5         45.5 
Central items                           400            -             6             406            -           1.5 
Total ECL allowance (drawn and undrawn) 1,462          2,384         2,348         6,194          38.5        37.9 
Group ECL allowances (drawn and 
undrawn) as a % of loans and advances 
to customers4 
UK Mortgages                            -              2.1           15.1          0.5 
Credit cards                            1.8            16.7          59.7          6.3 
Loans and overdrafts                    2.7            23.2          64.7          7.6 
UK Motor Finance                        1.4            7.6           66.8          3.3 
Other                                   0.3            9.6           40.2          1.1 
Retail1                                 0.2            4.3           22.7          1.1 
SME                                     0.5            4.9           16.8          1.3 
Other                                   0.4            5.0           39.6          2.7 
Commercial Banking                      0.4            5.0           34.5          2.2 
Insurance and Wealth                    1.3            3.0           16.9          2.3 
Central items                           0.7            -             85.7          0.7 
Total ECL allowances (drawn and 
undrawn) as a % of loans and advances   0.3            4.4           27.1          1.2 
to customers  1. Retail balances exclude the impact of the HBOS and MBNA acquisition related adjustments.  2. Includes reverse repos of GBP52.8 billion.  3. UK Motor Finance for Stages 1 and 2 include GBP168 million relating to provisions against residual values of vehicles 

subject to finance leasing agreements. These provisions are included within the calculation of coverage ratios. 4. Total and Stage 3 ECL allowances as a percentage of drawn balances exclude loans in recoveries in Retail of

GBP186 million, and in Commercial Banking of GBP135 million.


                                        Stage 1        Stage 2       Stage 3       Total          Stage 2     Stage 3 
                                                                                                  as % of     as % of 
At 31 December 2020                     GBPm             GBPm            GBPm            GBPm 
                                                                                                  total       total 
Loans and advances to customers 
UK Mortgages                            253,043        37,882        4,459         295,384        12.8        1.5 
Credit cards                            11,454         3,264         339           15,057         21.7        2.3 
Loans and overdrafts                    7,710          1,519         307           9,536          15.9        3.2 
UK Motor Finance                        12,786         2,216         199           15,201         14.6        1.3 
Other                                   17,879         1,304         184           19,367         6.7         1.0 
Retail1                                 302,872        46,185        5,488         354,545        13.0        1.5 
SME                                     27,015         4,500         791           32,306         13.9        2.4 
Other                                   43,543         9,816         2,733         56,092         17.5        4.9 
Commercial Banking                      70,558         14,316        3,524         88,398         16.2        4.0 
Insurance and Wealth                    832            13            70            915            1.4         7.7 
Central items2                          61,264         -             7             61,271         -           - 
Total gross lending                     435,526        60,514        9,089         505,129        12.0        1.8 
ECL allowance on drawn balances         (1,385)        (2,493)       (2,495)       (6,373) 
Net balance sheet carrying value        434,141        58,021        6,594         498,756 
Group ECL allowance (drawn and undrawn) 
UK Mortgages                            110            798           697           1,605          49.7        43.4 
Credit cards                            250            548           160           958            57.2        16.7 
Loans and overdrafts                    224            344           147           715            48.1        20.6 
UK Motor Finance3                       197            171           133           501            34.1        26.5 
Other                                   46             124           59            229            54.1        25.8 
Retail1                                 827            1,985         1,196         4,008          49.5        29.8 
SME                                     142            234           126           502            46.6        25.1 
Other                                   217            507           1,169         1,893          26.8        61.8 
Commercial Banking                      359            741           1,295         2,395          30.9        54.1 

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April 28, 2021 03:01 ET (07:01 GMT)