The Supervisory Board of MAN SE has appointed Joachim Drees as new Chief Executive Officer of company with effect from 1 October 2015. Joachim Drees has managed MAN Truck & Bus AG since 1 April 2015 and is at the same time a member of the Board of Directors at Volkswagen Truck & Bus Holding. The MAN SE Supervisory Board has also appointed Jan-Henrik Lafrentz as Chief Financial Officer of company.

Mr. Lafrentz has been a member of the Executive Board at MAN Truck & Bus AG since 1 July 2014, responsible for finance, IT and legal affairs. Ulf Berkenhagen, Chief Procurement Officer of MAN SE and MAN Truck & Bus AG since 1 July 2012, will be resigning his seat on the Executive Board of MAN SE with effect from 30 September 2015. He will still retain his position as Chief Procurement Officer at MAN Truck & Bus AG.

In July 2015, Mr. Berkenhagen was also appointed head of the procurement sector for all brands at Volkswagen Truck & Bus Holding. Dr. Georg Pachta-Reyhofen has resigned his position as Chief Executive Officer of MAN SE with effect from 30 September 2015.