ManpowerGroup Greater China Limited announced in respect of continuing connected transactions contemplated under the Master Services Agreement regarding flexible staffing services provided by the MAN Group. Unless the context requires otherwise, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement. According to the Announcement, the service fees chargeable by the MAN Group shall be determined after arm's length negotiations between the parties on normal commercial terms on a cost-plus basis with reference to the factors including the costs of and the prevailing market price for similar services, and such service fees shall be no less favourable than the fees chargeable on the Group by the Independent Third Parties for similar services.

To ensure that the service fees chargeable to the Group by the MAN Group are on normal commercial terms and shall be no less favourable to the Group than those quoted by Independent Third Parties, the Group would compare the market prices offered by other available service providers which are Independent Third Parties for similar services having taking into consideration the jurisdictions in which the customers of the Group demand for the flexible staffing services, the types of the flexible staffing services and the scope of the particular projects of the customers of the Group. Further, before entering to any specific transaction with the MAN Group pursuant to the Master Services Agreement, the business head of the MAN Group for the relevant country would propose a price to the Group which would not be higher than the prices offered by the MAN Group to its independent customers for comparable services. The cost-plus percentage to the Group is generally ranging from 3% to 15%.