Mass Megawatts announced the opening of a sales office in a fast growing and high tech location near central Massachusetts. The Office located at 11 Apex Drive, Suite 300A, Marlborough, MA is near Route 495 and minutes away from the Mass Pike. Mass Megawatts is expanding its reach to potential customers with recent developments like the opening of the sales office and recent improvements to bring more efficiency toward acquiring customers and installing projects.

The company can help customers achieve a quick payback with its solar projects using the new patent pending solar tracker. The projects can pay for itself in three to five years at many locations in states like Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut. Most of the components of both the solar tracker and the non-solar tracker equipment have twenty-year manufacture guarantees from large reputable suppliers.

The most expensive items like the solar panels, inverters, and tracker motors are supported by the large suppliers. To help complete the new solar power projects, the company recently developed a partnership for installing and financing low-cost solar projects in 19 states. Many solar projects will be eligible for 100% financing.

Under the new program, it can also streamline the process toward delivering custom proposals and the best plan for the customer. In other news, the company recently announced the 20% solar power output improvement in addition to the previously announced 37% increased power output with an innovative redesign of its patent pending solar tracker to maximize the albedo or solar reflection effect of receiving electric power output from the backside of solar panels that can accept solar rays from both sides of the solar panel. The cost saving improvement is possible since the patent pending solar tracker has the competitive advantage of using a low-cost method for protection against high wind and hurricane related events.

The solar panels attached to the tracker platform would force the face of the panels to turn 90 degrees from the direction of the wind. The system allows a slip feature during high wind conditions. Once the wind returns to less dangerous levels, the tracker resumes its operations.

The yaw sideways technique avoids the need for additional material and cost needed to protect against high wind events. In addition to the increased power output from enhancing the solar panel backside reflection, Mass Megawatts also announced recently that it has enhanced its patent-pending, Solar Tracking technology to improve energy production levels by an additional 7% with the adjustment of the panels based on the sun's altitude each day. These adjustments are also expected to improve the power generation level of the solar panels.