Mercurius Capital Investment Limited announced that Mr. Chang Wei Lu is presently the Executive Chairman of the Company. Following the resignation of Mr. Chew Hai Chiene Hester Arthur as Group Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and Executive Director of the Company, the Nominating Committee has proposed Mr. Chang to be re-designated as the Executive Chairman and Interim Group CEO of the Company until a suitable CEO is identified. The Board, having considered the recommendations of the NC and assessed, among other, the qualifications, expertise, work experience and overall contribution of Mr. Chang to the Company, is of the view that Mr. Chang possess the requisite experience and capabilities to assume the duties and additional responsibilities as Interim Group CEO of the Company.

Accordingly, the Board has approved the re-designation of Mr. Chang as an Executive Chairman of the Company to Executive Chairman and Interim Group CEO of the Company. Executive. Mr. Chang is responsible for overseeing the overall business development and general management of the Group, and formulating the Group's strategic directions and expansion plans as Interim Group CEO.

Working Experience: 2014 - 2017 Golden Intervest Sdn. Bhd. (Managing Director) 2017 - 2022 Mercurius Capital Investment Limited (Executive Chairman and CEO) 2022 - Present Mercurius Capital Investment Limited (Executive Chairman).

Other directorships present: Mercurius Capital Investment Limited Friven & Co. Singapore Pte. Ltd. MCB Holdings Sdn.

Bhd. Friven (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Vicmark Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. Friven & Co.

Lifestyle Sdn. Bhd. Other directorship past: Mercurius HM Realty Sdn Bhd.