Metalert, Inc. announced Global Safe Tracks, its OEM manufacturer, has received its first production run and started shipping units into Germany and the U.K. Based on the initial positive feedback and forecast, an additional 1,000 devices are going into production. Global Safe tracks is under license to manufacture a modified version of the GPS SmartSole that includes 2G technology as a fall back to 4G technology for countries where 4G coverage has not been fully implemented. The European version is sold under the brand name "SafeSole" and the made in U.S.A. Cat M1 Bluetooth /Wi-Fi version is sold under the brand Name "GPS SmartSole plus." Under the 3-year OEM license agreement, Global Safe tracks will be manufacturing the SafeSole in Germany, enabling a faster on demand delivery throughout Europe, while significantly reducing tariff and shipping costs across Europe, in addition to opening up new markets where 4G is currently unavailable.