14 October 2011
Millwall Holdings plc
(the “Company”)
Lewisham Borough Council approve regeneration proposals
Lewisham Borough Council (“LBC”) last night approved, subject to Section 106 Agreement, a resolution to grant outline planning permission in respect of the Surrey Canal Triangle redevelopment scheme which encompasses the land occupied by the Company under a long term lease with LBC.
LBC has previously stated that Millwall Football Club (“Millwall”) forms the heart of this area and it has ensured the continuation of the Den stadium and its operations for the long term. Other areas of the site occupied by Millwall are included in the zone earmarked for potential redevelopment in the outline permission granted. The proposals are now subject to a Section 106 Agreement to be agreed by all interested parties before further detailed planning approvals by LBC and The Mayor’s Office, which if approved, will determine the extent of the redevelopment scheme opportunities attributable to the Company.
Millwall Holdings plc: Andy Ambler / Tom Simmons
020 7232 1222