Mind Medicine (MindMed) Inc. announced the initiation of a Phase 1 investigator-initiated trial led by MindMed collaborator Prof. Dr. Matthias Liechti at University Hospital Basel (UHB). The study aims to compare acute responses to R-MDMA, S-MDMA, and MDMA in healthy subjects. The Phase 1 trial is a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, 5-period crossover study.

The trial plans to enroll 24 healthy subjects, who will receive R-MDMA (125 and 250mg), S-MDMA (125mg), MDMA (125mg), and a placebo. The primary outcome measures for this trial will assess acute subjective effects using the Visual Analog Scales (VAS) and the 5 Dimensions of Altered States of Consciousness (5D-ASC). Secondary endpoints will assess autonomic effects (blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature), mood on the days following the administration, endocrine effects, plasma concentration, and additional subjective effects (VAS, AMRS, SCQ, PIQ).