Minerals 260 Limited advises that further results from follow-up Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling completed in June this year have confirmed the potential for significant gold mineralisation at the Angepena prospect, which is part of the Company's 100%-owned Moora Project located ~150km north-east of Perth in the Julimar Mineral Province of SW Western Australia. The Moora Project forms part of a contiguous, 1,000km 2 land package which includes the adjacent Koojan JV, where the Company is in joint venture with Lachlan Star Limited and has the right to earn up to 51% equity. Assays were recently received for the Angepena holes and the Zest holes not previously reported but are pending for the MGA holes.

Drill statistics for the most recent and previous RC/diamond core drill programs (including significant results) are listed in Appendices 1 and 2. The three RC holes drilled at Angepena were designed to provide further data on the orientation and controls on gold mineralisation, which has so far been defined over a strike length of 900m with the system remaining open along strike and at depth. A number of priority target zones have been defined for further testing at Angepena, with highly credentialled structural geologist Dr Brett Davis engaged to review the structural setting. This will assist with optimising the targeting of follow-up drilling.

The latest results from Zest include assays from holes drilled east and west of the discovery section with wide zones of anomalous gold and copper intersected (up to 28m @ 0.2g/t Au and 0.3% Cu from 152m and 3m @ 1.2g/t Au from 207m in MRRD0051). All data from Zest will now be reviewed and combined with the planned structural review to target follow up drilling.