Ming Le Sports AG (DB:ML2) announces a share repurchase program. Under the program the company will repurchase up to 1,544,400 shares, representing 10% of its issued share capital. If the shares are acquired on the stock exchange then price must not exceed opening price in XETRA trading on the trading day at Frankfurt Stock Exchange by more than 10% and must not undercut it by more than 10%, If shares are acquired as part of public buyback offer then offered purchase price must not exceed or undercut the weighted or non weighted average of the closing price on XETRA trading day on fourth to tenth day at Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

The shares can be acquired on stock exchange or via a public offer to shareholders. The shares acquired under this authorization can be used by the company to withdraw these shares, use as partial compensation for mergers and acquisitions of companies and investments in companies or company units, resell this shares at a price less than the company's share price on the stock market, offer these shares for sale and transfer to company employees or group companies, discharging conversion or subscription or conversion privileges in respect of convertible bonds, convertible profit participation rights as well as bonds with warrants or profit participation with warrants, and offer these shares for sale and transfer them to third parties that are significant strategic partners of the company. This authorization will be valid till June 23, 2018.

On November 11, 2013, the company announced to buyback shares through a bank exclusively on stock exchange during the period from November 11, 2013 until the Annual General Meeting in 2014. The total buyback volume will depend on prevailing market conditions.