HOME / Sustainability / Our Value Creation Approach

Our Value Creation Approach

Achieving the SDGs

In order to realize a resilient and sustainable society, we need to recognize and take the initiative in solving the social issues that hinder it. Social issues include various risks in the global environment, such as climate change and natural capital issues; the emergence of new risks due to the rapid digitalization of industry and society triggered by the pandemic; the increasing severity of natural disasters due to the effects of climate change; the decline in community vitality due to the declining birthrate and aging population; and the increasing burden of care and medical care due to the aging population.

Resolving such social issues is also in keeping with the direction set out by the UN in 2015 in its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The MS&AD Insurance Group will create shared value with society, and work to build a resilient and sustainable society.

Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Sustainability Contest

ESG integration and sustainability approach

Impact of CSV Initiatives on society and our company

Priority Issues

Overview of Priority Issues


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Symbiosis with global environment (Planetary Health)

Action on climate change

Improvement of sustainability of natural capital

Safe and secure society (Resilience)

Measures to address new risks occurring in line with social changes

Creation of a resilient and inclusive society (regional revitalization)

Loss prevention/mitigation through the utilization of data and AI

Happiness of diverse people (Well-being)

Adaptation to a society of healthy longevity

Implementing Activities and Dialog that Respect Human Rights

Improvement of employee engagement

QualityHuman resourcesERM

Quality that Earns the Trust of Society

Human Resource Strategy

Corporate Governance

ERM and Risk Management


HOME / Sustainability / Our Value Creation Approach / Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The MS&AD Insurance Group provides products and services to support the industries required to realize a sustainable society. We are promoting creating shared values with society, including the discovery and prevention of risks. It is necessary to take integrated approaches to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the limited natural environment of the earth and social and economic issues closely related. The MS&AD Insurance Group analyzes our contributions to the sustainability of society and the impacts on our long-term growth from the areas of the Environmental (E), society (S), and corporate governance (G). Based on the three priority issues we have extracted, we are contributing to the achievement of the SDGs through risk consulting services, insurance and other services for safety and peace of mind from a multifaceted perspective centered on sustainability.

Products and services aimed at further contributing to the resolution of social issues reached about 59% of premiums written in the non-life insurance business in FY2022.





Products and services that contribute to achieving SDGs*1

Target products

Products and services that contribute to "Planetary Health"

Group Domestic + Other

about 64 %

about 59 %

Products and services that contribute to "Resilience"

Products and services that contribute to "Well-being"

(*1) Percentage of net premiums written

Symbiosis with global environment (Planetary Health)

Safe and secure society (Resilience)

Happiness of diverse people (Well-being)

Symbiosis with the global environment (Planetary Health)

[Major relevant SDGs]

Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 13: Climate action

Goal 14: Life below water

Goal 15: Life on land

() links are "in Japanese only"


HOME / Sustainability / Our Value Creation Approach / Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Products and Services


Contribution to solving


social issues

Service to Support

Provision of all kinds of support in a one-stop package for

Helping companies to



businesses of any size in any industry, such as introductory

reduce emissions

MSI ()


seminars on decarbonization, support for calculating carbon

emissions, and development of strategies for reducing


Net-zero emissions

Commercial fire insurance endorsement for additional

Helping companies to


Support Special Clause

installation costs that will lead to emission reduction in the

reduce carbon emissions

for corporate fire

course of repair of damaged properties


Endorsement for cost of

Coverage for costs incurred when replacing an insured

Helping to create a net-


replacement with electric

gasoline-powered vehicle with an EV, etc. due to an accident

zero society

vehicles, etc.

Provision of Service for

Provision of a new service for visualizing CO2 emissions

Helping to create a net-


calculating and visualizing

reduction through safe driving, using a unique algorithm,

zero society

GHG emissions

targeting policyholders of Telematics Automobile Insurance

(Telematics Automobile


Comprehensive coverage

Comprehensive coverage of risks faced by renewable energy

Promoting reduction of


plan for mega-solar farm


CO2 emissions (reducing


impact on the

environment) with

alternative energy

Imbalance risk

Coverage of losses sustained by renewable energy producers,

Helping to the promotion


compensation insurance

etc. due to imbalance between their generation plans and

of the renewable energy

for renewable energy

actual amounts of generated energy as a result of climatic

business and realization


changes, generation equipment failure, etc., targeting

of decarbonization

renewable energy producers

Insurance package for

Provision of "Insurance Package for PPA Business Operators"

Contributing to wide


PPA business operators

to cover not only the risk of damage to power generation

development and

facilities but also the risk of having to procure alternative

promotion of renewable

sources of renewable energy and environmental value due to

energy business and

such damage, with the aim of promoting spread of the "PPA

realization of

model," which is being introduced as one of the renewable


energy procurement methods


HOME / Sustainability / Our Value Creation Approach / Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Service attached type of

Provision of the service attached type of Power Generation

Contributing to wide


Power Generation

Imbalance Fee Compensation Insurance covering deficit

development and

Imbalance Fee

imbalance fees for solar power generation companies

promotion of renewable

Compensation Insurance

energy business and

realization of


Environmental Pollution

Contributing to realization of net-zero emissions through

Contributing to realization


Liability Insurance for

providing an insurance that covers the risk of damage related

of decarbonization

CCS Operators

to CCS projects, for which demonstration experiments are

progressing for commercialization

J-Credit (Japan

Coverage of risks sustained by local governments in relation to

Helping to realization of


Greenhouse Gas Emission

program-based projects aimed at implementing



decarbonization activities utilizing the J-Credit scheme

Certification) Scheme

Participants Support

Insurance (for local


Comprehensive offshore

Comprehensive coverage of risks faced by renewable energy

Promoting reduction of


wind power generation


CO2 emissions (reducing

system coverage

environmental burdens)

with alternative energy

Weather derivatives

A financial derivative that covers damage caused by extreme

Stabilizing company



earnings by avoiding and

U.S. subsidiary, MSI Guaranteed Weather, is actively engaged

mitigating losses incurred

in global sales of weather derivatives, with a focus on

by abnormal weather and

Japanese companies operating overseas

weather instability.

Contributing to

sustainable business


Weather index insurance

Development of a dedicated platform that enables customers

Stabilizing company


platform for farmers

to obtain online quotes in real time on weather index

earnings through

insurance, and launch of the insurance to farmers in Australia.

avoidance and/or

mitigation of losses

incurred due to abnormal

weather and weather


Contributing to

sustainable business



HOME / Sustainability / Our Value Creation Approach / Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Sympathy Money

Covering expenses such as sympathy money incurred by PPA*

Helping to the promotion


Insurance for payments to

business operators in cases where damage to their power

of the renewable energy

neighborhood victims

generation equipment as a result of natural disasters such as

business and realization

(PPA business operators)

typhoons have resulted in damage to the properties owned by

of decarbonization

neighboring residents and companies, even when the

operators are not held liable for compensation

*Abbreviation of Power Purchase Agreement model

Climate change risk

Provision of services that support our clients in building a

Assessing and analyzing


analysis service

climate change governance structure, performing scenario

climate change risks

analysis, and developing a climate strategy in accordance with

the TCFD's Final Recommendations through assessment and

analysis of such risks of which companies need to be aware

LaRC flood risk analysis

Launch of Large-Scale Assessment of Flood Risks Due to

Assessing and analyzing



Climate Change (LaRC-Flood®)" project in collaboration with

climate change risks

the University of Tokyo, Shibaura Institute of Technology

Realization of highly accurate estimation of inundation depth

distributions based on the effects of climate change, with

support from the New Energy and Industrial Technology

Development Organization (NEDO), a national research and

development agency

Launch of the distributions made available free of charge as a

global-scale flood hazard map, together with a new consulting

service utilizing that hazard map, which enable[d][s] .

quantitative impact assessments on a global basis and

supports identification of physical risks in the event that

climate change is actualized.

Renewal of our dedicated

Significant reduction of the effort required for customers to

Contributing to reducing


Web page for

register for use through renewal of our dedicated Web page

environmental impact and


for policyholders and step-by-step digitization of notifications,

improving customer

which were previously sent out by postal mail. Promotion of

convenience through

paperless initiatives in collaboration with customers.

paperless services

Eco insurance

A system that enables policyholders to view their policy

Improvement of


policies/Web clauses

certificates and policy clauses on the websites

sustainability of natural



HOME / Sustainability / Our Value Creation Approach / Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Support for nature-

Support for conducting scoping of analysis targets, analyzing



related risk analysis in line

priority regions (including value chains), and dependencies


with TNFD

and impacts, and for considering business risks/opportunities

conscious business

and disclosing information based on the results thereof, in line


with the guidance of the Taskforce on Nature-Related

Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

Basic evaluations of

Basic evaluation of exposure to water risks such as water



water-related risks

depletion, drought, flood and decline in water quality


(present/future) on individual production sites (domestic/

conscious business




Services that support companies' activities to preserve



land-use consulting

biodiversity and assess biodiversity risks in business activities


conscious business


Provision of a discount on

With the aim of supporting promotion of plastic resources

Supporting environment-


premiums to businesses

recycling, provision of discounts on premiums for certain

conscious business

working on recycling of

types of liability insurance products to companies working on


plastic resources

such recycling with discounts on premiums for certain types of

liability insurance products

Supporting reduction of

Installation of an alert function in dedicated dashcams for

Improvement of


roadkill incidents

automobile insurance in order to prevent the occurrence of

sustainability of natural

automobile accidents rank high as a cause of death for rare


species of animals (roadkill) and donations based on sales to

organizations, including those working on protection of rare

animals and reduction of roadkill incidents

Endorsement for

Coverage of costs of such actions as preservation and

Helping to preservation


Compensation of

restoration of damage to the natural environment, which

and restoration of natural

Additional Costs for

vessel operators voluntarily carry out at times of marine

capital and biodiversity

Responses to Marine




HOME / Sustainability / Our Value Creation Approach / Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Endorsement for

Coverage of a wide range of risks including liability for

Helping to preservation


Extended Compensation

damages and expenses of contamination clean-up arising out

and restoration of natural

for Contamination

of unexpected and sudden outflow of contaminants from

capital and biodiversity


various facilities, such as a factory

Providing coverage of

Coverage of expenses necessary for reforestation of forests

Improvement of


reforestation expenses,

damaged by fire, etc., which have been outside the coverage

sustainability of natural


of conventional forest fire insurance


Corporate Green Spaces

Provision of insurance products/related services that package

Improvement of


Support Package

"Surugadai Green Space Inspection Guide," "Corporate Green

sustainability of natural

Space Consulting Service," and "Corporate Green Space


Insurance" to support corporate green space initiatives in

consideration of natural capital and biodiversity

Liability insurance for

Ensuring safety and security through coverage of damage

Improvement of


"Noyaki (Open Burning)"

related to the spread of fire to other property for Noyaki (open

sustainability of natural

burning), which is carried out in Aso for the purposes of


maintaining and restoring grasslands, conserving biodiversity,

storing carbon, and recharging downstream water sources

Products recall expenses

When a food company (the insured) recalls food due to

Helping to stop food


insurance for food service

mislabeling expiry dates, Kuradashi reduces food loss by

waste issue

businesses - Shoku-eco

purchasing the food (those without any issues other than

mislabeling). Because of this, disposal costs (or insurance

payouts) are reduced meaning insurance premiums can be

offered at a 10% discount

Electronic policy

A system enabling customers to complete policy procedures

Helping to reduce



on-screen via their smartphones, PC or tablet devices, and

environmental impact by

enabling agents to complete policy/change procedures on

going paperless

their own PC or tablet devices

Eco-mark automobile

Automobile insurance with Eco-Mark certification through

Helping to environmental

MSI ()


promotion of Eco-insurance policy and web policy clauses,

conservation and

ADI ()

provision of information for safe driving, and initiatives to

reducing the impact on

reduce impact on the environment, such as encouraging the

the environment

use of recycled automobile parts


HOME / Sustainability / Our Value Creation Approach / Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Policyholder app (Mitsui

The services of Mitsui Direct General Insurance are bundled in

Helping to paperless

MD ()

Direct non-life insurance

one app so that the "Strong and Tender" concept can be

procedure as well as


delivered to customers. Various inquiries and procedures for

convenience by allowing

automobile insurance and special benefits and coupons

for inquiries regarding

become available. The "Smart Renewal" feature was launched

contract details and the

in October 2020, making it easier for policyholders to renew

checking of progress in

their policies

the case of an accident,

providing new

applications and

continuing procedures,


Remote application

A completely paperless service from providing information

Helping to prevent the

MSI Aioi Life ()

procedures for a

through video, to responding to inquiries and the application

spread of infectious


paperless, contactless


diseases through non-


contact, reducing the

impact on the

environment by going

paperless, and improving

customer convenience.

Insurance to support

When the facilities of a green power company contracted by

Helping to create a net-

MSI ()


stable supply of green

the issuer are shut down because of a disaster or other such

zero society.

power certificates

event, the additional costs that issuer owe to procure green

energy value from other power companies, etc. can be


Automobile insurance "EV

Coverage for damages to electric vehicle charging equipment

Helping to create a net-

MSI ()


charging equipment

and alternative charging costs incurred while the damaged

zero society

damage coverage special

equipment cannot be used


Endorsement for rental

Coverage of rental car cost incurred when an insured vehicle

Helping to create a net-

MSI ()


car costs at times of

is regarded as inoperative due to halted operation of nearby

zero society

suspended operation of

hydrogen stations resulting from such coincidental reasons as

hydrogen stations, under

"accident," "failure," "operator's bankruptcy" and "operator's

Automobile insurance

withdrawal from business"

Net-zero emissions

One-stop support for corporate net-zero initiatives at all

Contributing to create a

InterRisk ()


stages, including introduction, strategy, and reduction, in

net-zero society

collaboration with external organizations regardless of

industry size


HOME / Sustainability / Our Value Creation Approach / Products and services that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Renewable energy

Consulting services regarding assessment of business risks

Supporting stable

InterRisk ()

support service

associated with renewable energy (solar power, wind power,

development of

biomass, etc.), as well as energy conservation, improved

renewable energy

comfort in the working environment, and reduced energy



Service for accepting

A service to enable customers to carry out account-related

Helping to reduce



online handling of transfer

procedures via the Internet, such as registration and changing

environmental impact by


of insurance premium transfer accounts through smartphone

going paperless

reading of a QR code and selection of a preferred financial

institution on a dedicated site for account registration

Mobile application-based

A premium payment service as a replacement for direct

Helping to reduce



payment service

collection, enabling customers to pay premiums through

environmental impact by

smartphone reading of a QR code and selection of a

going paperless

contracted payment service from various listed services

Safe and secure society (Resilience)

[Major relevant SDGs]

Goal 1: No poverty

Goal 2: Zero hunger

Goal 3: Good health and well-being for all

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

() links are "in Japanese only"

Products and Services


Contribution to solving


social issues

Cybersecurity Insurance

Comprehensive coverage for risks such as those brought

Helping to the


about by cyber-attacks. A line-up of various services,

stabilization of corporate

including risk assessment service and emergency service in

management and

the event of accidents, which contribute to prevention and

supporting social

minimization of losses, and to prompt restoration of services




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MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc. published this content on 24 December 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 27 December 2023 07:51:42 UTC.