Net Serviços de Comunicação S.A. ("NET" or "Company"), pursuant to paragraph 4 of article 157 of Law 6,404/76 and Instructions 319/99 and 358/02, issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil ("CVM"), hereby announces that on August 9, 2013, the Company's Board of Directors approved the proposal of a reverse merger by the Company of its parent company, GB EMPREENDIMENTOS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A., a joint-stock company headquartered in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro at Avenida Afrânio de Melo Franco, nº 135, 5º andar, parte, Leblon, inscribed in the corporate roll of taxpayers (CNPJ/MF) under number 04.527.900/0001-42 ( "GB" and "Transaction" respectively).

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