NetraMark Holdings Inc. announced that it has signed a third contract with a large publicly listed biopharmaceutical company, pursuant to the Master Service Agreement, previously announced on October 31, 2023. NetraMark will employ its proprietary Attractor AI technology to analyze clinical trial data provided from the biopharmaceutical company's distinct Phase II candidate medicine. The primary objectives of the contract are as follows: Perform an analysis with the NetraAI based on variables derived from pertinent factors collected between screening and baseline.

Based on the NetraAI analysis of such data, patients will be labeled according to their level of response to placebo and drug based on accepted standards for this disease category. Variables collected early in the trial will be used by NetraAI to generate explanatory models of subpopulations as they pertain to drug and placebo response. NetraAI will produce personas, which are driving factors behind precise groups of patients, that are directly related to drug and placebo response.

The NetraAI will also be provided with other questions to analyze through other various related measures as requested by the Sponsor. NetraMark will then create a synopsis of all personas that emerge from the above analyses and evaluate the stability of the driving factors and sets of patients as defined by the above definitions. A report will be produced that provides critical information about: Drug and Placebo response as determined by the endpoint measure where response is defined by an industry accepted change in total score from baseline, or the imputed score as the Sponsor study team sees fit.

Hypotheses of response, which will be in the form of patient subpopulations, their response status, whether they are in the drug or placebo arm, along with explanatory variables for each. Adverse event (AE) modeling based on reported AEs for which are relying on the Sponsor team to clearly outline any AEs and to provide labeling for patients that experienced such events, if any. Factors which will lower the placebo response while simultaneously maximizing drug response.

Inclusion/Exclusion criteria presented in a table that outlines the feasibility and effect of each variable for any future enrichment process. This will provide a precise perspective into what is driving response to both drug and placebo, according to the set of variables that NetraAI will ingest. NetraMark is strongly positioned to empower pharmaceutical companies and their respective Contract Research Organizations (CROs) with critical scientific insights to accelerate speed, quality and accuracy across their clinical strategy protocol designs to help drive improved patient outcomes and operational results.