ETFs New Work SE Xetra




Internet Services

Market Closed - Xetra 11:36:16 2024-08-26 am EDT 5-day change 1st Jan Change
66.20 EUR +0.61% Intraday chart for New Work SE -.--% -.--%

ETFs positioned on New Work SE

Name Weight AuM 1st Jan change Investor Rating
0.64% 0 M€ -.--% -
Logo New Work SE
New Work SE, formerly Xing SE, is a Germany-based operator of a social network for business professionals in German-speaking countries. The platform, XING, allows professionals from all kinds of different industries to meet up, find jobs, colleagues, new assignments, cooperation partners, experts and generate business ideas. The Company operates through four segments: The B2C segment involves all of the XING platform’s basic features , such us contact management, news, jobs and a number of XING’s mobile applications, the B2B E-Recruiting segment offers tools and solutions that able companies to find employees and talent; the Marketing Solutions & Events segment offers organizers targeted event promotions and ad formats companies can use to promote their business within a professional environment, and the kununu International segment enables candidates and employees to learn about and rate companies and potential employers. The Company has offices in Europe and the United States.
More about the company

Quarterly revenue - Rate of surprise