Nippon Aqua Co., Ltd. have decided on organizational changes as follows: Organizational Changes (Effective January 1, 2024): Abolition of the area system and transition to the block system: It have been working to improve expertise in a matrix organization by developing an area system based on regions and the Housing Business Department, Construction Business Department, and Waterproofing Business Department by item. However, in order to achieve goals, it will transition to a block system to clarify responsibilities and authority and enable quick decision-making. In the introduced block system, each head of block will have overall responsibility and authority in their region, including all construction and sales activities, local recruitment, and strengthening relationships with certified contractors.

In addition, in line with the above transition, it will reorganize the Housing Business Department, Construction Business Department, and Waterproofing Business Department, and establish the Hokkaido & Tohoku Block, Kanto Block, Hokuriku & Shinetsu Block, Chubu & Kansai Block, Chugoku & Shikoku Block, Kyushu Block, Housing Special Sales Department, Construction Business Department, and Waterproofing Business Department.