November 8, 2022
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
Supplementary Data for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2022
1. Financial Results Summary, Medium-Term Financial Targets pages 1-4
2. Financial Results Summary pages 5-8
(Subsidiary Groups)
3. Operating Data pages 9-12
4. Reference page 13-14
This document is a translation of the Japanese original. The Japanese original is authoritative. The forward-looking statements and projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained or referred to herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained or referred to herein, as well as other risks included in NTT's most recent Annual Securities Report and in any other materials publicly disclosed by NTT on its website. * "E" in this material represents that the figure is a plan or projection for operation. ** "FY" in this material indicates the fiscal year ending March 31 of the succeeding year.
1. Financial Results Summary (NTT Consolidated)
NTT Consolidated Financial Results (IFRS) (Billions of yen)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(4)
Operating revenues 2,892.6 2,995.1 5,887.6 3,035.6 3,233.2 12,156.4 3,068.9 3,217.3 6,286.2 - - - 12,600.0
Fixed voice related services (1) 228.3 228.0 456.3 230.4 229.5 916.1 219.8 220.9 440.7 - - - -
Mobile voice related services (1) 278.7 277.9 556.5 272.4 273.6 1,102.5 265.2 263.6 528.8 - - - -
IP/packet communications services (1) 867.4 873.9 1,741.3 855.1 848.3 3,444.8 851.5 858.4 1,709.9 - - - -
Sales of telecommunications equipment 155.6 144.7 300.3 195.8 198.6 694.7 160.1 173.5 333.6 - - - -
System integration services (1) 905.9 976.6 1,882.5 988.2 1,117.9 3,988.7 1,054.0 1,101.3 2,155.3 - - - -
Other (1) 456.7 493.9 950.6 493.6 565.4 2,009.6 518.3 599.6 1,118.0 - - - -
Operating expenses 2,406.3 2,472.1 4,878.4 2,505.2 3,004.3 10,387.9 2,565.5 2,724.1 5,289.6 - - - 10,780.0
Personnel expenses 633.4 625.3 1,258.7 648.0 659.5 2,566.1 674.7 683.8 1,358.5 - - - -
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 1,329.6 1,402.8 2,732.5 1,412.1 1,694.9 5,839.4 1,443.7 1,590.6 3,034.2 - - - -
Depreciation and amortization 382.5 387.1 769.6 388.3 403.3 1,561.2 389.6 391.7 781.3 - - - 1,603.0
Impairment losses 1.2 0.0 1.3 0.3 36.5 38.1 0.3 (0.1) 0.2 - - - -
Goodwill - - - 0.2 - 0.2 - - - - - - -
Other 1.2 0.0 1.3 0.1 36.5 37.8 0.3 (0.1) 0.2 - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 26.0 26.1 52.2 24.7 55.2 132.1 21.6 25.8 47.4 - - - -
Taxes and dues 33.5 30.7 64.2 31.8 155.0 251.0 35.6 32.4 68.0 - - - -
Operating profit 486.3 523.0 1,009.3 530.4 228.9 1,768.6 503.4 493.2 996.5 - - - 1,820.0
Profit before taxes 496.3 519.0 1,015.3 538.7 241.6 1,795.5 525.5 493.9 1,019.5 - - - 1,822.0
Profit attributable to NTT 340.0 335.8 675.8 354.5 150.7 1,181.1 368.6 328.0 696.6 - - - 1,190.0
EBITDA and EBITDA margin with reconciliation
EBITDA [a+b+c+d] 836.7 876.3 1,713.1 885.0 649.1 3,247.1 857.3 850.4 1,707.7 - - - 3,300.0
a Operating profit 486.3 523.0 1,009.3 530.4 228.9 1,768.6 503.4 493.2 996.5 - - - 1,820.0
b Depreciation and amortization (2) 336.9 341.5 678.4 343.7 356.2 1,378.3 342.6 345.5 688.1 - - - 1,420.0
c Loss on sales and disposal of property, plant and equipment 12.3 11.8 24.1 10.5 27.4 62.1 11.1 11.7 22.8 - - - 60.0
d Impairment losses 1.2 0.0 1.3 0.3 36.5 38.1 0.3 (0.1) 0.2 - - - -
EBITDA margin [(e/f)*100] 28.9% 29.3% 29.1% 29.2% 20.1% 26.7% 27.9% 26.4% 27.2% - - - 26.2%
e EBITDA [a+b+c+d] 836.7 876.3 1,713.1 885.0 649.1 3,247.1 857.3 850.4 1,707.7 - - - 3,300.0
f Operating revenues 2,892.6 2,995.1 5,887.6 3,035.6 3,233.2 12,156.4 3,068.9 3,217.3 6,286.2 - - - 12,600.0
NTT Consolidated Financial Position (IFRS)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
As of June 30 As of September 30 As of December 31 As of March 31 As of June 30 As of September 30 As of December 31 As of March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Announced as of May 2021)
Assets 23,082.5 22,719.5 23,544.4 23,862.2 24,403.3 24,881.8 - - -
Current assets 5,352.8 4,953.9 5,542.0 5,716.6 5,938.6 6,269.7 - - -
(incl.) Cash and cash equivalents 1,139.3 905.2 826.4 834.6 924.7 948.8 - - -
(incl.) Trade and other receivables 3,113.6 2,981.8 3,590.8 3,605.0 3,331.1 3,559.9 - - -
Non-current assets 17,729.7 17,765.6 18,002.4 18,145.6 18,464.7 18,612.1 - - -
(incl.) Property, plant and equipment 9,324.1 9,334.4 9,385.3 9,326.9 9,395.2 9,431.0 - - -
Liabilities and Equity 23,082.5 22,719.5 23,544.4 23,862.2 24,403.3 24,881.8 - - -
Liabilities 14,699.6 14,020.1 14,843.4 14,844.1 15,108.9 15,587.3 - - -
Current liabilities 7,404.1 5,688.5 5,852.4 6,258.6 6,304.2 6,476.0 - - -
(incl.) Trade and other payables 1,995.4 1,845.9 2,121.6 2,500.3 2,389.6 2,224.6 - - -
Non-current liabilities 7,295.5 8,331.6 8,991.0 8,585.5 8,804.7 9,111.3 - - -
(incl.) Long-term debt 4,411.8 5,439.6 6,036.2 5,717.5 5,935.6 6,216.9 - - -
(incl.) Defined benefit liabilities 1,739.2 1,752.4 1,766.0 1,561.0 1,564.5 1,579.1 - - -
Equity 8,382.9 8,699.4 8,701.0 9,018.1 9,294.4 9,294.6 - - -
Interest-bearing liabilities (consolidated)
Interest-bearing liabilities (3) 8,136.9 7,511.9 8,012.9 7,364.3 7,989.5 8,507.5 - - 7,300.0
(1) In connection with the revision of NTT's business segments that NTT has implemented beginning with the fourth quarter of FY2021, certain revenue items have been recategorized. In connection with this revision, results for periods from the third quarter of FY2021 and earlier that are presented above have also been restated accordingly (please refer to "Revision of Segments (page 13)" for a summary of the segment revision). NTT has implemented a revision of its business segments beginning with the fourth quarter of FY2021 (please refer to "Revision of Segments (page 13)" for a summary of the segment revision). In connection with this revision, results for periods from the third quarter of FY2021 and earlier that are presented above have been restated and are presented on the basis of the new segments.
(2) Beginning on April 1, 2020, NTT Group has excluded all depreciation expenses related to right-of-use assets from EBITDA and depreciation, as a component of EBITDA.
(3) Interest-bearing liabilities presented above include non-recourse debt. Interest-bearing liabilities excluding non-recourse debt were 7,189.4 billion yen as of March 31, 2022, and 8,329.6 billion yen as of September 30, 2022.
(4) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





1. Financial Results Summary (Medium-Term Financial Targets)
Medium-Term Financial Targets (IFRS)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(3)
EPS (Yen) - - - - - 329 - - - - - - 340
Overseas Operating Income Margin (%) (1) 4.1% 5.5% 4.8% 6.6% 8.9% 6.3% 6.1% 5.6% 5.8% - - - 7.0%
Cost Reductions (Billions of yen) (2) (695.0) (715.0) (715.0) (795.0) (840.0) (840.0) (870.0) (875.0) (875.0) - - - (930.0)
ROIC (%) - - - - - 7.5% - - - - - - 7.6%
(1) Overseas Operating Income excludes temporary expenses, such as M&A-related depreciation costs of intangible fixed asset. Includes results from NTT DATA's overseas businesses, NTT Ltd., NTT Communications' overseas businesses, NTT Security Holdings, NTT, Inc.(Non-consolidated), NTT Venture Capital, NTT Disruption, NTT Global Sourcing.
(2) Cumulative reductions from FY 2017.
(3) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





1. Financial Results Summary (Capital Investment)
Capital Investment (IFRS) (Billions of yen)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(6)
Capital investment 371.4 388.6 760.0 399.5 528.1 1,687.6 350.5 360.2 710.7 - - - 1,750.0
Integrated ICT Business Segment (1) 156.7 155.3 312.0 161.1 225.6 698.6 130.6 146.8 277.4 - - - 713.0
Regional communications business Segment 105.0 109.3 214.3 115.7 171.0 501.1 88.0 98.3 186.3 - - - 495.0
Global Solutions Business Segment (1) 79.2 95.9 175.1 88.9 83.3 347.2 112.8 94.1 206.9 - - - 387.0
Others(Real Estate, Energy and Others) (1) 30.5 28.1 58.6 33.9 48.2 140.7 19.1 21.0 40.1 - - - 155.0
(Ref.) Capital investment by group
NTT Docomo Group 156.7 155.3 312.0 161.1 225.6 698.6 130.6 146.8 277.4 713.0
NTT East Group 49.9 50.3 100.1 54.9 96.5 251.6 37.3 45.4 82.7 - - - 250.0
NTT West Group 55.2 59.1 114.2 60.8 74.5 249.5 50.7 52.9 103.6 - - - 245.0
NTT DATA Consolidated (After integration of overseas business) (2) - - - - - - - - - - - - 286.0
NTT DATA Consolidated (Prior to integration of overseas businesses)(3) 35.8 46.3 82.0 43.2 51.5 176.7 43.6 44.6 88.2 - - - 175.0
NTT Ltd. Group (4) 43.1 49.1 92.2 45.6 31.9 169.7 69.2 49.5 118.7 - - - 212.0
NTT Urban Solutions Group 28.8 10.7 39.5 21.2 18.1 78.8 5.7 11.3 17.0 - - - 95.0
(Ref.) NTT DOCOMO Group 156.7 155.3 312.0 161.1 225.6 698.6 130.6 146.8 277.4 - - - 713.0
Enterprise 32.3 27.2 59.5 29.5 46.2 135.1 25.8 34.0 59.7 - - - 149.0
Smart life 14.2 13.0 27.1 12.9 15.5 55.5 13.5 17.5 30.9 - - - 69.0
Consumer communications 110.2 115.1 225.4 118.7 163.9 508.0 91.3 95.4 186.7 - - - 495.0
(incl.) Telecommunications capital investment (5) 113.0 118.0 231.0 121.9 171.4 524.3 95.1 103.5 198.5 - - - 521.0
(1) NTT has implemented a revision of its business segments beginning with the fourth quarter of FY2021 (please refer to "Revision of Segments (page 13)" for a summary of the segment revision). In connection with this revision, results for periods from the third quarter of FY2021 and earlier that are presented above have been restated and are presented on the basis of the new segments.
(2) Represents the combined total of the full-year earnings forecast of NTT DATA Consolidated (Prior to Integration of Overseas Business) for FY2022 and the earnings forecast of the NTT Ltd. Group for the second half of FY2022.
(3) Represents figures for NTT DATA Consolidated on its current basis, excluding the impact of the global business integration scheduled to be implemented in October 2022.
(4) Represents figures for NTT Ltd. Group on its current basis, excluding the impact of the global business integration scheduled to be implemented in October 2022.
(5) Represents the Telecommunications capital investment of Consumer communications and Enterprise.
(6) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





1. Financial Results Summary (Business Segments)
Business Segments (IFRS) (Billions of yen)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(3)
Business segments (1)
Integrated ICT Business Segment (2)
Operating revenues 1,435.5 1,445.3 2,880.7 1,480.0 1,509.5 5,870.2 1,421.8 1,478.0 2,899.8 - - - 5,984.0
Fixed voice related service 45.5 43.8 89.3 45.2 41.6 176.0 42.8 44.8 87.6 - - - -
Mobile voice related service 280.3 279.5 559.8 274.3 275.8 1,109.9 267.2 265.6 532.8 - - - -
IP/packet communications service 582.7 587.2 1,169.9 571.4 563.0 2,304.3 565.1 570.9 1,136.0 - - - -
Sales of telecommunications equipment 139.2 127.8 267.0 180.2 181.9 629.0 145.3 158.8 304.0 - - - -
System integration services 115.0 126.4 241.4 120.6 163.2 525.2 127.2 140.3 267.6 - - - -
Other 272.7 280.6 553.4 288.3 284.0 1,125.7 274.2 297.5 571.8 - - - -
Operating expenses 1,152.6 1,152.2 2,304.8 1,170.0 1,322.8 4,797.6 1,138.1 1,185.3 2,323.4 - - - 4,900.0
Personnel expenses 120.2 117.5 237.7 118.4 114.7 470.7 119.7 118.2 237.9 - - - -
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 821.3 822.0 1,643.3 838.7 947.9 3,430.0 807.0 858.0 1,664.9 - - - -
Depreciation and amortization 192.1 194.8 386.8 195.7 197.4 779.9 193.8 193.9 387.6 - - - -
Impairment losses - - - - 1.7 1.7 - - - - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 12.9 11.9 24.7 10.5 17.4 52.6 10.8 8.4 19.1 - - - -
Taxes and dues 6.2 6.1 12.3 6.6 43.8 62.7 6.8 7.0 13.8 - - - -
Operating profit 282.8 293.1 575.9 310.0 186.6 1,072.5 283.7 292.7 576.5 - - - 1,084.0
Regional communications business Segment
Operating revenues 774.8 792.5 1,567.4 784.5 855.7 3,207.6 767.9 779.6 1,547.5 - - - 3,220.0
Fixed voice related service 233.7 231.5 465.2 232.6 234.2 932.0 221.4 217.2 438.7 - - - -
IP/packet communications service 399.2 398.2 797.4 399.3 401.9 1,598.6 400.4 401.1 801.5 - - - -
Sales of telecommunications equipment 16.6 17.1 33.6 15.8 18.3 67.7 14.9 14.8 29.7 - - - -
System integration services 33.6 54.3 87.9 47.0 84.4 219.3 35.2 47.9 83.1 - - - -
Other 91.8 91.5 183.3 89.8 116.9 389.9 96.0 98.6 194.5 - - - -
Operating expenses 628.1 648.8 1,276.8 640.3 850.4 2,767.6 629.2 654.2 1,283.4 - - - 2,778.0
Personnel expenses 167.1 164.4 331.5 164.5 161.5 657.4 163.8 159.4 323.2 - - - -
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 324.7 347.2 671.9 339.6 446.1 1,457.6 331.4 359.7 691.1 - - - -
Depreciation and amortization 103.2 106.0 209.1 105.3 106.9 421.3 102.8 103.7 206.5 - - - -
Impairment losses - - - - 14.5 14.5 - - - - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 13.2 14.4 27.6 13.9 36.6 78.2 10.5 13.7 24.2 - - - -
Taxes and dues 19.9 16.8 36.6 17.0 84.9 138.5 20.7 17.8 38.5 - - - -
Operating profit 146.8 143.7 290.5 144.2 5.3 440.0 138.7 125.4 264.1 - - - 442.0
Global Solutions Business Segment (2)
Operating revenues 842.2 884.2 1,726.4 907.7 981.0 3,615.2 969.0 1,004.0 1,973.0 - - - 3,870.0
System integration services 841.0 879.7 1,720.7 904.1 968.0 3,592.9 967.9 1,004.0 1,971.9 - - - -
Other 1.2 4.5 5.7 3.6 13.0 22.3 1.1 (0.1) 1.0 - - - -
Operating expenses 801.4 818.4 1,619.7 845.1 939.9 3,404.7 905.5 953.0 1,858.5 - - - 3,626.0
Personnel expenses 302.5 299.4 601.9 321.2 340.7 1,263.7 345.0 360.6 705.6 - - - -
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 417.8 438.3 856.1 442.8 492.6 1,791.5 479.3 507.5 986.7 - - - -
Depreciation and amortization 76.1 75.7 151.8 76.7 80.5 309.1 77.2 77.8 155.0 - - - -
Impairment losses 1.3 0.0 1.3 0.3 17.8 19.4 0.3 (0.1) 0.2 - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 1.0 1.4 2.3 0.3 2.9 5.5 0.6 4.2 4.7 - - - -
Taxes and dues 2.7 3.6 6.2 3.8 5.5 15.5 3.2 3.0 6.1 - - - -
Operating profit 40.9 65.8 106.7 62.6 41.2 210.5 63.4 51.0 114.4 - - - 244.0
Others(Real Estate, Energy and Others) (2)
Operating revenues 298.6 332.1 630.7 336.8 428.4 1,396.0 362.3 413.1 775.4 - - - 1,510.0
System integration services 9.3 10.0 19.4 10.0 11.2 40.5 13.8 13.2 27.0 - - - -
Other 289.3 322.1 611.4 326.8 417.3 1,355.4 348.5 399.9 748.3 - - - -
Operating expenses 275.4 305.4 580.8 312.8 429.8 1,323.5 338.1 383.0 721.1 - - - 1,436.0
Personnel expenses 60.5 60.0 120.4 61.9 66.4 248.8 63.9 64.9 128.7 - - - -
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 181.0 212.4 393.4 217.1 303.7 914.1 236.7 280.1 516.8 - - - -
Depreciation and amortization 28.8 28.3 57.1 28.1 33.7 118.9 31.9 32.4 64.3 - - - -
Impairment losses - - - - 2.5 2.5 - - - - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.4 2.7 4.9 0.7 1.0 1.8 - - - -
Taxes and dues 4.7 4.3 9.0 4.4 20.8 34.3 5.0 4.6 9.6 - - - -
Operating profit 23.2 26.7 49.9 24.0 (1.4) 72.5 24.1 30.1 54.2 - - - 74.0
(1) Figures for each segment include inter-segment transactions.
(2) NTT has implemented a revision of its business segments beginning with the fourth quarter of FY2021 (please refer to "Revision of Segments (page 13)" for a summary of the segment revision). In connection with this revision, results for periods from the third quarter of FY2021 and earlier that are presented above have been restated and are presented on the basis of the new segments.
(3) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





2. Financial Results Summary (NTT DOCOMO Group(including NTT Communications Group and NTT Comware Group))
Overview of Financial Results (IFRS) (Billions of yen)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(7)
Operating revenues 1,435.5 1,445.3 2,880.7 1,480.0 1,509.5 5,870.2 1,421.8 1,478.0 2,899.8 - - - 5,984.0
Telecommunications services 912.5 914.4 1,826.9 894.7 884.2 3,605.8 879.0 885.1 1,764.2 - - - 3,497.0
Mobile communications services 674.5 674.5 1,349.0 655.7 653.7 2,658.3 645.2 653.3 1,298.4 - - - 2,544.0
Fixed communications services and other telecommunications services 238.0 239.9 477.9 239.0 230.5 947.5 233.8 231.9 465.7 - - - 953.0
Equipment sales 139.2 127.8 267.0 180.2 181.9 629.0 145.3 158.8 304.0 - - - 684.0
System integration services 115.0 126.4 241.4 120.6 163.2 525.2 127.2 140.3 267.6 - - - 566.0
Other 268.8 276.7 545.5 284.5 280.2 1,110.2 270.3 293.8 564.1 - - - 1,237.0
Operating expenses 1,152.6 1,152.2 2,304.8 1,170.0 1,322.8 4,797.6 1,138.1 1,185.3 2,323.4 - - - 4,900.0
Personnel expenses 120.2 117.5 237.7 118.4 114.7 470.7 119.7 118.2 237.9 - - - 481.0
Cost of equipment sold and services, and other expenses 672.5 672.9 1,345.5 690.1 839.7 2,875.3 661.4 715.3 1,376.7 - - - 2,973.0
Depreciation and amortization 192.1 194.8 386.8 195.7 197.4 779.9 193.8 193.9 387.6 - - - 801.0
Impairment losses - - - - 1.7 1.7 - - - - - - -
Communication network charges 155.0 155.1 310.1 155.2 152.1 617.4 152.4 149.6 302.0 - - - 613.0
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 12.9 11.9 24.7 10.5 17.4 52.6 10.8 8.4 19.1 - - - 32.0
Operating profit 282.8 293.1 575.9 310.0 186.6 1,072.5 283.7 292.7 576.5 - - - 1,084.0
Profit before taxes 284.7 293.0 577.7 318.6 186.1 1,082.4 291.9 293.2 585.1 - - - 1,084.0
Profit attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC. 198.3 200.9 399.2 222.5 130.5 752.1 205.1 214.7 419.8 - - - 748.0
Financial Indicators
Free cash flow (2)(3) 43.0 555.1 598.0 201.9 333.4 1,133.3 213.3 ▲94.0 119.4 - - - 680.0
EBITDA (4) 447.8 460.4 908.2 477.2 360.6 1,746.0 449.7 459.2 908.8 - - - 1,800.0
Ratio of smart life plus enterprise business revenue (%) - - - - - 45.7% - - - - - - 47.7%
Enterprise business revenue 408.4 425.5 833.9 - - 1,719.5 417.7 427.3 845.0 - - - 1,774.0
Telecom CAPEX to Sales (%) - - - - - 16.4% - - - - - - 16.8%
ROIC (%) - - - - - 10.8% - - - - - - 10.5%
(Ref.) NTT DOCOMO Group Operating Income in Each Segment (5)
Operating revenues 408.4 425.5 833.9 - - 1,719.5 417.7 427.3 845.0 - - - 1,774.0
(incl.) Integrated solutions (6) 139.4 145.7 285.1 - - - 152.0 157.2 309.2 -
Operating profit (loss) 60.9 68.2 129.1 - - 251.6 69.8 76.3 146.2 - - - 279.0
Operating margin 14.9% 16.0% 15.5% - - 14.6% 16.7% 17.8% 17.3% - - - 15.7%
Smart life
Operating revenues 234.7 242.5 477.2 - - 960.4 240.3 278.0 518.4 - - - 1,081.0
Operating profit (loss) 48.6 51.5 100.1 - - 197.8 56.9 50.4 107.3 - - - 203.0
Operating margin 20.7% 21.2% 21.0% - - 20.6% 23.7% 17.9% 20.7% - - - 18.8%
Consumer communications
Operating revenues 849.6 840.0 1,689.7 - - 3,434.6 825.2 838.2 1,663.3 - - - 3,371.0
Operating profit (loss) 173.3 173.4 346.7 - - 623.1 157.0 166.0 323.0 - - - 602.0
Operating margin 20.4% 20.6% 20.5% - - 18.1% 19.0% 19.8% 19.4% - - - 17.9%
(1) The scope of aggregation for each of the figures presented for NTT Docomo Group is internal management figures after eliminating internal transactions between NTT Docomo and its subsidiaries. Such figures are not audited and are provided for reference only.
(2) Adjusted free cash flow is calculated excluding the effects of changes in investment derived from purchases, redemption at maturity and disposals of financial instruments held for cash management purposes with original maturities of longer than three months.
(3) In connection with the recalculation of past figures, results for periods the second quarter and the third quarter of FY2021 that are presented above have been revised.
(4) Beginning with the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, depreciation charges for right-of-use assets have been excluded from EBITDA and its depreciation and amortization components.
(5) Figures reflect the reorganization (Step 2), including (the) intergroup business transfer implemented in July 2022.
(6) Beginning with the second quarter of FY2022, solution services has been reviewed to integrated solutions. Integrated solutions include solution services (including 5G/IoT, etc.), cloud infrastructure, application services, etc.
(7) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).
Segment Principal Services, etc., Included in Each Reportable Segment
Enterprise For enterprise customers: Mobile communications services, Fixed-line communications services, Device sales, System integration service, etc.
Smart life Finance/payment services, Marketing solutions, Content/Lifestyle services, Support services for customers' peace of mind
Consumer communications For consumer customers: Mobile communications services, Fixed-line communications services, Device sales, etc.


2. Financial Results Summary (NTT East Group, NTT West Group)
Overview of Financial Results (IFRS) (Billions of yen)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(3)
NTT East Group (1)
Operating revenues 418.4 430.5 848.8 420.3 448.9 1,718.0 411.0 417.0 828.1 - - - 1,730.0
Fixed voice related service 124.8 123.5 248.3 123.8 121.6 493.8 117.1 115.1 232.1 - - - 468.0
IP/packet communications service 227.8 227.5 455.4 227.7 229.7 912.8 227.0 227.3 454.4 - - - 917.0
Sales of telecommunications equipment 7.2 6.7 13.9 6.1 7.0 27.0 5.2 5.2 10.4 - - - 28.0
System integration services 17.8 31.9 49.7 22.5 39.7 111.9 18.5 24.2 42.7 - - - 128.0
Other 40.8 40.8 81.6 40.1 50.8 172.4 43.2 45.3 88.5 - - - 189.0
Operating expenses 326.6 335.6 662.1 333.2 443.7 1,439.0 321.0 337.0 658.0 - - - 1,450.0
Personnel expenses 88.0 85.7 173.7 86.8 83.5 344.0 86.3 83.2 169.5 - - - 339.0
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 166.8 177.0 343.7 174.4 226.3 744.4 165.8 183.5 349.3 - - - 778.0
Depreciation and amortization 54.3 56.2 110.6 55.1 56.0 221.7 52.6 53.4 105.9 - - - 216.0
Impairment losses - - - - 13.9 13.9 - - - - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 6.5 7.4 13.9 7.5 19.1 40.4 4.7 6.8 11.5 - - - 40.0
Taxes and dues 10.9 9.3 20.2 9.4 45.0 74.6 11.6 10.2 21.8 - - - 77.0
Operating profit 91.8 94.9 186.7 87.1 5.1 279.0 90.0 80.0 170.0 - - - 280.0
Profit before taxes 95.2 94.4 189.6 86.8 5.1 281.5 90.4 79.6 169.9 - - - 279.0
Profit attributable to NTT East 67.2 66.0 133.1 60.4 2.9 196.4 63.0 56.1 119.1 - - - 195.0
NTT West Group (2)
Operating revenues 362.1 367.1 729.2 370.6 413.8 1,513.5 363.5 369.6 733.1 - - - 1,520.0
Fixed voice related service 110.3 109.4 219.7 110.3 114.2 444.2 105.9 103.8 209.7 - - - 424.0
IP/packet communications service 171.7 170.9 342.6 171.9 172.9 687.4 174.2 174.6 348.8 - - - 699.0
Sales of telecommunications equipment 9.5 10.5 20.0 9.7 11.5 41.2 9.8 9.7 19.5 - - - 42.0
System integration services 16.2 22.7 38.9 24.9 45.3 109.2 17.1 24.1 41.2 - - - 123.0
Other 54.4 53.5 107.9 53.7 69.9 231.5 56.5 57.4 113.8 - - - 232.0
Operating expenses 307.1 318.3 625.4 313.6 413.7 1,352.7 314.8 324.2 639.1 - - - 1,358.0
Personnel expenses 79.2 78.7 157.8 77.6 78.2 313.7 77.5 76.2 153.6 - - - 308.0
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 163.4 175.3 338.7 171.6 226.5 736.8 172.1 183.2 355.4 - - - 741.0
Depreciation and amortization 48.9 49.8 98.7 50.3 50.9 199.9 50.3 50.4 100.7 - - - 206.0
Impairment losses - - - - 0.6 0.6 - - - - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 6.6 7.1 13.7 6.5 17.6 37.8 5.8 6.9 12.7 - - - 39.0
Taxes and dues 9.0 7.4 16.5 7.6 39.9 64.0 9.1 7.6 16.7 - - - 64.0
Operating profit 54.9 48.8 103.7 57.0 0.1 160.9 48.6 45.4 94.0 - - - 162.0
Profit before taxes 54.5 48.1 102.7 56.2 (0.6) 158.3 48.1 44.5 92.6 - - - 159.0
Profit attributable to NTT West 37.6 33.4 71.0 39.5 (0.0) 110.5 33.2 30.2 63.4 - - - 111.0
(1) The scope of aggregation for each of the figures presented for NTT East Group is internal management figures after eliminating internal transactions between NTT East and its subsidiaries. Such figures are not audited and are provided for reference only.
(2) The scope of aggregation for each of the figures presented for NTT West Group is internal management figures after eliminating internal transactions between NTT West and its subsidiaries. Such figures are not audited and are provided for reference only.
(3) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





2. Financial Results Summary (NTT Data Consolidated, NTT Ltd. Group) (1)
Overview of Financial Results (IFRS) (Billions of yen)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(7)
NTT DATA Consolidated (After integration of overseas business) (2)
Net sales - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,270.0
Operating expenses - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,034.0
Operating profit - - - - - - - - - - - - 236.0
Profit before taxes - - - - - - - - - - - - 230.0
Profit attributable to NTT DATA - - - - - - - - - - - - 136.0
NTT DATA Consolidated (Prior to integration of overseas businesses) (3)(4)
Net sales 590.8 621.3 1,212.1 636.1 703.7 2,551.9 677.4 694.1 1,371.4 - - - 2,660.0
Public and social infrastructure - - 263.9 - - 590.2 - - 270.5 - - - 611.0
Financial - - 312.9 - - 639.8 - - 320.9 - - - 648.0
Enterprise - - 220.8 - - 466.6 - - 248.1 - - - 485.0
Overseas - - 493.9 - - 1,039.8 - - 625.4 - - - 1,107.0
(incl.) North America - - 229.3 - - 477.8 - - 292.6 - - - 508.0
(incl.) EMEA and LATAM - - 259.1 - - 551.0 - - 325.4 - - - 573.0
Eliminations or Corporate - - (79.4) - - (184.5) - - (93.5) - - - (191.0)
Cost of sales 437.9 454.9 892.8 465.2 517.9 1,875.9 499.5 518.1 1,017.6 - - - 1,938.0
Gross profit 152.9 166.3 319.2 170.9 185.8 676.0 177.9 175.9 353.8 - - - 722.0
Selling, general and administrative expenses 105.6 104.5 210.1 113.0 140.3 463.4 120.4 125.5 245.9 - - - 500.0
Operating profit 47.3 61.9 109.1 58.0 45.5 212.6 57.5 50.4 107.9 - - - 222.0
Profit before taxes 49.0 62.1 111.0 58.2 46.6 215.8 58.9 51.7 110.6 - - - 222.0
Profit attributable to NTT DATA 31.1 40.8 71.9 38.3 32.8 143.0 39.7 33.0 72.8 - - - 147.0
NTT Ltd. Group (5)(6)
Operating revenues 253.7 261.8 515.5 271.6 267.5 1,054.7 294.2 311.9 606.0 - - - 1,220.0
High value services 108.4 110.9 219.2 119.3 117.7 456.2 132.2 149.8 282.0 - - - 510.0
Data center 37.9 41.2 79.0 46.1 48.8 173.9 55.8 68.4 124.2 - - - -
Managed services 36.8 37.4 74.2 39.3 34.4 147.9 41.9 42.5 84.3 - - - -
Data Networks 13.5 12.3 25.8 14.3 14.2 54.3 12.9 18.6 31.6 - - - -
Other (Cloud communications, etc.) 20.2 19.9 40.1 19.7 20.3 80.1 21.6 20.3 41.9 - - - -
Other services(IT product sales, etc.) 145.3 151.0 296.3 152.3 149.8 598.5 161.9 162.1 324.0 - - - 710.0
Operating expenses 259.8 256.9 516.6 265.9 265.7 1,048.3 287.9 311.7 599.6 - - - 1,185.0
Personnel expenses 73.1 67.2 140.4 71.9 77.0 289.2 77.2 77.6 154.7 - - - -
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 162.1 166.2 328.3 170.1 152.4 650.9 186.7 207.2 393.9 - - - -
Depreciation and amortization 22.9 22.2 45.1 23.1 25.2 93.5 23.4 23.2 46.5 - - - -
Impairment losses 1.3 0.0 1.3 0.0 9.4 10.7 0.3 (0.1) 0.2 - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 1.1 1.8 0.0 3.6 3.7 - - - -
Taxes and dues 0.2 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.6 2.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 - - - -
Operating profit (6.1) 5.0 (1.1) 5.7 1.8 6.3 6.2 0.1 6.4 - - - 35.0
Profit before taxes (7.6) 3.0 (4.6) 2.1 (2.2) (4.6) 10.0 (6.7) 3.3 - - - 23.0
Profit attributable to NTT Ltd. (9.6) (1.4) (11.0) (1.5) 17.4 4.9 18.2 (9.6) 8.6 - - - 0.0
(Ref.) Ratio of "High value services" to operating revenues - - 43% - - 43% - 47% - - - 42%
(Ref.) NTT DATA Consolidated (Prior to integration of overseas businesses) Results by former segment (3)
Net sales 590.8 621.3 1,212.1 636.1 703.7 2,551.9 677.4 - - - - - 2,660.0
Public and social infrastructure 121.9 138.7 260.6 140.9 181.0 582.4 127.9 - - - - - 611.0
Financial 146.6 160.7 307.3 150.4 175.4 633.1 163.9 - - - - - 658.0
Enterprise and Solutions 147.7 159.5 307.2 164.0 181.7 652.9 168.3 - - - - - 680.0
North America 114.0 114.9 228.9 118.4 128.3 475.7 138.5 - - - - - 508.0
EMEA and LATAM 131.6 128.1 259.6 144.7 146.6 550.9 163.2 - - - - - 573.0
Eliminations or Corporate (71.0) (80.6) (151.5) (82.2) (109.3) (343.0) (84.4) - - - - - (370.0)
(1) NTT has implemented a revision of its business segments beginning with the fourth quarter of FY2021 (please refer to "Revision of Segments (page 13)" for a summary of the segment revision). In connection with this revision, results for periods from the third quarter of FY2021 and earlier that are presented above have been restated and are presented on the basis of the new segments. Results for NTT, Inc. (Global Holding Company) Group, which were previously presented on this page, are identical to the results for the global solutions business segment as a result of the revision of NTT's business segments that NTT has implemented beginning with the presentation of FY2021 results. Accordingly, such results will no longer be presented on this page. Please refer to page 4 for details.
(2) The earnings forecast of NTT DATA Consolidated for FY2022 (after the global business integration) includes the earnings forecast of the NTT Ltd. Group for the second half of FY2022.
(3) Represents figures for NTT DATA Consolidated on its current basis, excluding the impact of the global business integration scheduled to be implemented in October 2022.
(4) In connection with the organizational restructuring of NTT DATA beginning with the second quarter of FY2022, results are presented on the basis of after the organizational restructuring. Results of FY2021 and forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have been restated. Results for "North America" and "EMEA/LATAM" are before eliminations between overseas segments.
(5) Represents figures for NTT Ltd. Group on its current basis, excluding the impact of the global business integration scheduled to be implemented in October 2022.The forecast for the first half of FY2022 for NTT Ltd. Group, which will not be included in the FY2022 NTT DATA Consolidated forecast after the global business integration, is operating revenues of 600.0 billion yen and operating income of 10.0 billion yen.
(6) The scope of aggregation for each of the figures presented for NTT Ltd. Group is internal management figures after eliminating internal transactions between NTT Ltd. and its subsidiaries. Such figures are not audited and are provided for reference only.
(7) Forecasts for FY2022 of NTT DATA Consolidated (Prior to integration of overseas businesses) have been presented on the basis of after the organizational restructuring. All other figures have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





2. Financial Results Summary (NTT Urban Solutions Group, NTT Urban Development Consolidated)
Overview of Financial Results (IFRS) (Billions of yen)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(4)
NTT Urban Solutions Group (1) (2)
Operating revenues 93.2 105.6 198.7 104.4 143.4 446.5 90.4 74.5 164.8 - - - 380.0
Operating expenses 82.8 92.2 175.0 93.3 139.3 407.6 81.6 65.3 146.9 - - - 345.0
Personnel expenses 21.8 22.1 43.9 21.7 23.6 89.1 21.6 16.2 37.8 - - - 74.0
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 49.5 58.9 108.4 60.4 90.6 259.4 48.5 40.0 88.5 - - - 221.0
Depreciation and amortization 10.4 10.3 20.7 10.2 10.3 41.2 10.3 8.3 18.6 - - - 35.0
Impairment losses - - - - 2.0 2.0 - - - - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Taxes and dues 1.1 1.0 2.1 1.0 12.8 15.9 1.1 0.9 2.0 - - - 15.0
Operating profit 11.0 15.5 26.5 15.7 4.4 46.6 8.6 9.5 18.1 - - - 44.0
Profit before taxes 9.7 14.3 24.0 14.5 3.0 41.5 6.2 8.0 14.1 - - - 39.0
Profit attributable to NTT Urban Solutions 6.3 9.2 15.5 8.9 1.6 26.0 3.4 5.0 8.4 - - - 25.0
(incl.) NTT Urban Development Consolidated(3)
Operating revenues 34.2 34.4 68.6 31.0 42.0 141.5 35.5 36.0 71.5 - - - 157.0
Operating expenses 24.9 23.7 48.6 21.8 45.6 116.0 25.4 26.1 51.6 - - - 134.0
Personnel expenses 3.1 0.7 3.8 1.8 1.9 7.5 1.8 1.9 3.7 - - - 8.0
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 14.1 15.7 29.8 12.7 22.6 65.1 16.1 16.6 32.7 - - - 84.0
Depreciation and amortization 7.1 6.9 13.9 6.9 6.9 27.7 7.0 7.1 14.0 - - - 28.0
Impairment losses - - - - 2.0 2.0 - - - - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Taxes and dues 0.6 0.5 1.1 0.4 12.2 13.7 0.6 0.6 1.1 - - - 14.0
Operating profit 9.5 11.6 21.1 13.5 (3.4) 31.2 9.5 9.7 19.3 - - - 32.0
Profit before taxes 8.3 10.5 18.8 12.3 (4.8) 26.3 8.2 7.9 16.1 - - - 27.0
Profit attributable to NTT Urban Development 5.3 6.8 12.2 8.1 (3.8) 16.5 5.1 4.9 10.0 - - - 17.0
(1) The scope of aggregation for each of the figures presented for NTT Urban Solutions Group is internal management figures after eliminating internal transactions among NTT Urban Development (on a consolidated basis), NTT FACILITIES and its subsidiaries. Such figures are not audited and are provided for reference only.
(2) NTT FACILITIES' electricity business has been transferred to and integrated with NTT Anode Energy in July 2022, and is not included from the NTT Urban Solutions Group.
(3) NTT Urban Value Support, Inc. (formerly NTT Urban Development Builservice Co., Ltd. * wholly-owned subsidiary of NTT Urban Development Corporation) became a wholly-owned subsidiary of NTT Urban Solutions, Inc. in July 2021 and is not included in NTT Urban Development Corporation.
(4) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





3. Operating Data (Number of Subscriptions, Units sold)
Number of Subscriptions
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
As of June 30 (Three Months Ended June 30) As of September 30 (Three Months Ended September 30) As of September 30 (Six Months Ended September 30) As of December 31 (Three Months Ended December 31) As of March 31 (Three Months Ended March 31) Year Ended March 31 As of June 30 (Three Months Ended June 30) As of September 30 (Three Months Ended September 30) As of September 30 (Six Months Ended September 30) As of December 31 (Three Months Ended December 31) As of March 31 (Three Months Ended March 31) Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(12)
Mobile Telecommunications Services (1) (in thousands) 82,916 83,454 83,454 83,846 84,752 84,752 85,245 85,884 85,884 - - - 87,668
Telecommunications Services (5G) (in thousands) 5,351 6,942 6,942 8,952 11,530 11,530 13,785 16,019 16,019 - - - 22,480
(Incl.) home5G (in thousands) - 75 75 186 288 288 388 474 474 - - - -
(Incl.) Modules (in thousands) - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Telecommunications Services (LTE (Xi)) (in thousands) 63,172 63,001 63,001 62,242 61,396 61,396 60,452 59,474 59,474 - - - 56,543
(Incl.) Modules (in thousands) 6,088 6,730 6,730 7,389 8,086 8,086 8,665 9,315 9,315 - - - -
Telecommunications Services (FOMA (3G)) (in thousands) 14,393 13,511 13,511 12,651 11,826 11,826 11,009 10,390 10,390 - - - 8,645
(Incl.) Modules (in thousands) 6,114 5,929 5,929 5,682 5,470 5,470 5,183 5,025 5,025 - - - -
Net increase from previous period (in thousands) 284 537 822 392 907 2,120 493 639 1,131 - - - 2,915
Churn rate (2) (%) 0.58% 0.53% 0.56% 0.65% 0.69% 0.62% 0.67% 0.56% 0.61% - - - -
(Incl.) Handset churn rate (3) (%) 0.48% 0.45% 0.47% 0.55% 0.64% 0.53% 0.58% 0.55% 0.57% - - - -
i-mode (in thousands) 3,816 3,393 3,393 3,017 2,675 2,675 2,385 2,128 2,128 - - - -
sp-mode and so on(4) (in thousands) 47,538 48,014 48,014 48,338 50,099 50,099 50,528 50,889 50,889 - - - -
Number of units sold (in thousands) 6,492 5,781 12,274 5,781 6,224 24,279 5,523 5,533 11,056 - - - 24,750
(Incl.) New subscriptions (5) (in thousands) 2,874 2,659 5,534 2,843 3,527 11,903 3,134 3,013 6,147 - - - -
Total smartphones and tablets sold (in thousands) 3,248 3,028 6,276 2,969 3,151 12,396 2,649 2,683 5,332 - - - 12,642
(Incl.) Tablets sold (in thousands) 217 182 399 143 146 689 154 107 261 - - - -
Telephone subscriber lines (6) (in thousands) 13,858 13,622 13,622 13,381 13,123 13,123 12,858 12,610 12,610 - - - 12,142
NTT East (in thousands) 6,932 6,821 6,821 6,713 6,597 6,597 6,482 6,373 6,373 - - - 6,097
NTT West (in thousands) 6,926 6,801 6,801 6,669 6,527 6,527 6,376 6,238 6,238 - - - 6,045
INS-Net (7) (in thousands) 1,727 1,690 1,690 1,648 1,604 1,604 1,564 1,524 1,524 - - - 1,440
NTT East (in thousands) 869 848 848 827 803 803 782 762 762 - - - 703
NTT West (in thousands) 859 842 842 821 801 801 782 762 762 - - - 737
Telephone subscriber lines + INS-Net (in thousands) 15,585 15,312 15,312 15,029 14,727 14,727 14,422 14,135 14,135 - - - 13,582
NTT East (in thousands) 7,801 7,669 7,669 7,540 7,400 7,400 7,264 7,135 7,135 - - - 6,800
NTT West (in thousands) 7,785 7,643 7,643 7,490 7,327 7,327 7,158 7,000 7,000 - - - 6,782
Public telephones (number) 143,829 141,726 141,726 139,321 137,649 137,649 132,595 127,467 127,467 - - - 126,649
NTT East (number) 68,898 68,714 68,714 68,556 67,959 67,959 65,762 62,727 62,727 - - - 62,959
NTT West (number) 74,931 73,012 73,012 70,765 69,690 69,690 66,833 64,740 64,740 - - - 63,690
FLET'S ISDN (in thousands) 45 43 43 42 40 40 38 36 36 - - - 33
NTT East (in thousands) 19 18 18 18 17 17 16 15 15 - - - 14
NTT West (in thousands) 26 25 25 24 23 23 22 21 21 - - - 19
FLET'S ADSL (in thousands) 359 340 340 313 286 286 247 208 208 - - - -
NTT East (in thousands) 150 141 141 130 120 120 104 87 87 - - - -
NTT West (in thousands) 210 199 199 183 166 166 143 121 121 - - - -
FLET'S Hikari (including Hikari Collaboration Model) (8) (9) (10) (in thousands) 22,817 23,034 23,034 23,194 23,266 23,266 23,407 23,487 23,487 - - - 23,916
NTT East (in thousands) 12,911 13,034 13,034 13,119 13,156 13,156 13,240 13,280 13,280 - - - 13,556
NTT West (in thousands) 9,906 10,000 10,000 10,075 10,110 10,110 10,167 10,207 10,207 - - - 10,360
(incl.) Hikari Collaboration Model (in thousands) 15,611 15,905 15,905 16,132 16,292 16,292 16,500 16,640 16,640 - - - 17,192
NTT East (in thousands) 9,172 9,342 9,342 9,471 9,573 9,573 9,696 9,766 9,766 - - - 10,173
NTT West (in thousands) 6,439 6,563 6,563 6,660 6,719 6,719 6,804 6,874 6,874 - - - 7,019
(incl.) docomo Hikari (in thousands) 7,137 7,209 7,209 7,254 7,262 7,262 7,276 7,286 7,286 - - - -
Hikari Denwa (11) (in thousands) 18,713 18,756 18,756 18,777 18,782 18,782 18,782 18,787 18,787 - - - 18,908
NTT East (in thousands) 10,043 10,064 10,064 10,073 10,075 10,075 10,076 10,079 10,079 - - - 10,175
NTT West (in thousands) 8,671 8,692 8,692 8,703 8,707 8,707 8,706 8,708 8,708 - - - 8,733
(1) Mobile telecommunications services and New subscriptions include mobile line subscriptions of MVNOs and Communication Module subscriptions.
(2) "Churn rate" is calculated excluding the subscriptions and cancellations of subscriptions of MVNOs, but it is calculated including the number of "OCN mobile" subscriptions from the fourth quarter of 2021.
(3) Churn rate of billing plans that offer voice communication service (excluding 2in1 service).
(4) Sp-mode includes "ahamo" from the first quarter of 2021, and "OCN mobile" from the fourth quarter of 2021.
(5) Mobile telecommunications services and New subscriptions include mobile line subscriptions of MVNOs and Communication Module subscriptions.
(6) The number of Telephone Subscriber Lines is the total of individual lines and central station lines (including the Subscriber Telephone Lite Plan).
(7) "INS-Net" includes "INS-Net 64" and "INS-Net 1500." In terms of the number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), "INS-Net 1500" is in all cases approximately ten times greater than "INS-Net 64." For this reason, one "INS-Net 1500" subscription is calculated as ten "INS-Net 64" subscriptions (including subscriptions to the "INS-Net 64 Lite Plan").
(8) The number of "FLET'S Hikari (including Hikari Collaboration Model)" subscriptions includes subscriptions to "FLET'S Hikari Cross," "FLET'S Hikari Next," "FLET'S Hikari Light," "FLET'S Hikari Lightplus" and "FLET'S Hikari WiFi Access" provided by NTT East, subscriptions to "FLET'S Hikari Cross," "FLET'S Hikari Next," "FLET'S Hikari Mytown Next," "FLET'S Hikari Light" and "FLET'S Hikari WiFi Access" provided by NTT West and subscriptions to the "Hikari Collaboration Model," the wholesale provision of services to service providers by NTT East and NTT West.
(9) The comparative results for the six months ended September 30, 2022 compared to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 for "FLET'S Hikari (including Hikari Collaboration Model)" are as follows: the numbers of new subscribers for NTT East and NTT West were 664 thousand lines and 525 thousand lines, respectively, for a total of 1,189 thousand lines; the numbers of new subscribers (excluding switchover lines) for the "Hikari Collaboration Model" for NTT East and NTT West were 528 thousand lines and 401 thousand lines, respectively, for a total of 929 thousand lines; and the numbers of switchover lines for NTT East and NTT West were 83 thousand lines and 82 thousand lines, respectively, for a total of 164 thousand lines.]
(10) The comparative forecast for the year ending March 31, 2023 (Forecast) compared to the results for the year ended March 31, 2022 for "FLET'S Hikari (including Hikari Collaboration Model)" are as follows: the numbers of new subscribers for NTT East and NTT West are expected to be 1,500 thousand lines and 1,100 thousand lines, respectively, for a total of 2,600 thousand lines; the numbers of new subscribers (excluding switchover lines) for the "Hikari Collaboration Model" for NTT East and NTT West are expected to be 1,200 thousand lines and 800 thousand lines, respectively, for a total of 2,000 thousand lines; and the numbers of switchover lines for NTT East and NTT West are expected to be 200 thousand lines and 150 thousand lines, respectively, for a total of 350 thousand lines.
(11) The number of subscriptions for "Hikari Denwa" include wholesale services provided to service providers by NTT East and NTT West.
(12) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





3. Operating Data (Number of Subscriptions, Transactions)
Number of Subscriptions
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
As of June 30 (Three Months Ended June 30) As of September 30 (Three Months Ended September 30) As of September 30 (Six Months Ended September 30) As of December 31 (Three Months Ended December 31) As of March 31 (Three Months Ended March 31) Year Ended March 31 As of June 30 (Three Months Ended June 30) As of September 30 (Three Months Ended September 30) As of September 30 (Six Months Ended September 30) As of December 31 (Three Months Ended December 31) As of March 31 (Three Months Ended March 31) Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(8)
NTT Group Major ISPs (1) (in thousands) 11,382 11,365 11,365 11,378 11,360 11,360 11,354 11,384 11,384 - - - 11,250
(incl.) OCN (in thousands) 7,020 7,015 7,015 7,036 7,018 7,018 7,052 7,113 7,113 - - - 7,005
(incl.) Plala (in thousands) 3,927 3,907 3,907 3,896 3,889 3,889 3,851 3,817 3,817 - - - 3,789
Hikari TV (in thousands) 2,934 2,925 2,925 2,951 2,952 2,952 2,937 915 915 - - - 2,932
FLET'S TV Transmission Services (2) (in thousands) 1,926 1,954 1,954 1,976 1,995 1,995 2,011 2,028 2,028 - - - 2,061
NTT East (in thousands) 1,130 1,139 1,139 1,147 1,154 1,154 1,159 1,164 1,164 - - - 1,184
NTT West (in thousands) 796 815 815 829 841 841 852 863 863 - - - 877
"d POINT CLUB" members (in thousands) 83,728 85,542 85,542 87,206 89,075 89,075 90,377 91,702 91,702 - - - -
(Incl.) "d POINT CARD" registrants (3) (in thousands) 52,570 54,325 54,325 55,975 57,857 57,857 59,166 60,458 60,458 - - - -
"d POINTs" used (in billions) 69.7 66.4 136.1 67.3 66.9 270.3 67.1 84.1 151.2 - - - -
(Incl.)"d POINTS" used at partners' stores, etc. (in billions) 52.7 50.6 103.3 52.1 52.7 208.1 54.0 70.1 124.1 - - - -
Finance/Payment transactions handled(4) (in billions) 2,000 4,090 4,090 6,490 8,860 8,860 2,510 5,180 5,180 - - - -
(Incl.) "d CARD" transactions (in billions) 1,500 3,060 3,060 4,850 6,610 6,610 1,870 3,820 3,820 - - - -
(Incl.) "d Payment" transactions(5) (in billions) 304 628 628 1,022 1,418 1,418 431 925 925 - - - -
"d CARD" members (in thousands) 14,759 15,071 15,071 15,379 15,666 15,666 15,938 16,231 16,231 - - - -
(Incl.) "d CARD GOLD" (in thousands) 8,232 8,475 8,475 8,687 8,886 8,886 9,065 9,302 9,302 - - - -
"d Payment" users (6) (in millions) 37.35 39.43 39.43 41.65 43.75 43.75 45.61 47.67 47.67 - - - -
Locations where payment / point services are available (7) (in millions) 3.52 3.71 3.71 3.87 4.10 4.10 4.24 4.38 4.38 - - - -
(1) "NTT Group Major ISPs" includes "WAKWAK" and "InfoSphere," in addition to "OCN" and "Plala."
(2) The number of subscriptions for "FLET'S TV Transmission Services" include wholesale services provided to service providers by NTT East and NTT West.
(3) The number of users who can earn and use "d POINTs" at participating stores by registering their personal information.
(4) The amount of transactions includes the transactions handled with "d CARD," "iD," "d Payment," direct carrier billing and "DOCOMO Mobile Payment Service," etc.
(5) The amount of transactions processed with "d Payment" represents the cumulative amount of payments made with "d Payment" (code and online payment) , "d Payment (iD)" and "DOCOMO Mobile Payment". In association with the service integration of "DOCOMO Mobile Payment " into "d Payment" on June 1, 2022, the amount of transactions processed with "d Payment" include DOCOMO Payment transactions with the first quarter of FY2022. In connection with this service integration, figures for FY 2021 also include DOCOMO Payment transactions.
(6) The number of "d Payment" users represents the sum of total number of "d Payment" app downloads and "d Payment (iD)" members.
(7) Locations where payment / point services are available represent the combined number of locations where "d POINT," "iD" and "d Payment"(code and online payment) services can be used.
(8) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





3. Operating Data (ARPU)
Average Monthly Revenue per Unit (ARPU)
 Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to each designated service on a per user basis. In the case of NTT Group's integrated ICT business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in operating revenues from its integrated ICT business segment, such as revenues from 5G mobile phone services, LTE ("Xi") mobile phone services, FOMA (3G) mobile phone services and "docomo Hikari" services, that are incurred consistently each month, by the number of active users to the relevant services. In the case of NTT Group's regional communications business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues of NTT Group's regional communications business segment, that is, fixed-line (telephone subscriber lines and INS-NET) and FLET'S Hikari, by the number of active subscribers to the relevant services. The calculation of these figures excludes revenues that are not representative of monthly average usage, such as telecommunications equipment sales, activation fees and universal service charges. NTT believes that its ARPU figures calculated in this way provide useful information regarding the monthly average usage of its subscribers. The revenue items included in the numerators of NTT Group's ARPU figures are based on its financial results comprising its IFRS results of operations.
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Six Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(11)
Aggregate ARPU (1) (2) (3) (4) 4,780 4,790 4,790 4,730 4,670 4,740 4,620 4,670 4,650 - - - 4,540
Mobile ARPU (5G + LTE (Xi) + FOMA (3G)) 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,140 4,080 4,150 4,030 4,080 4,060 - - - 3,940
Hikari ARPU 580 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 590 - - - 600
Aggregate ARPU (as oldly defined)(2) (3) (4) 4,840 4,850 4,850 4,800 4,740 4,810 - - - - - - -
Mobile ARPU (5G + LTE (Xi) + FOMA (3G)) 4,250 4,250 4,250 4,200 4,140 4,210 - - - - - - -
Hikari ARPU 590 600 600 600 600 600 - - - - - - -
NTT East (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines) 2,470 2,470 2,470 2,590 2,570 2,530 2,550 2,560 2,560 - - - 2,540
FLET'S Hikari ARPU (10) 4,640 4,560 4,560 4,530 4,530 4,570 4,500 4,510 4,500 - - - 4,480
Basic Monthly Charge 3,400 3,330 3,330 3,320 3,320 3,350 3,310 3,310 3,310 - - - 3,310
Optional Services 1,240 1,230 1,230 1,210 1,210 1,220 1,190 1,200 1,190 - - - 1,170
NTT West (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines) 2,460 2,460 2,460 2,570 2,560 2,510 2,550 2,560 2,550 - - - 2,530
FLET'S Hikari ARPU (10) 4,690 4,620 4,620 4,580 4,580 4,620 4,560 4,580 4,570 - - - 4,540
Basic Monthly Charge 3,260 3,200 3,200 3,190 3,200 3,220 3,200 3,190 3,200 - - - 3,190
Optional Services 1,430 1,420 1,420 1,390 1,380 1,400 1,360 1,390 1,370 - - - 1,350
(1) Beginning with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, Mobile ARPU is calculated to include OCN mobile-related revenues and subscription numbers.
(2) The following is the formula we use to compute ARPU for NTT DOCOMO.
Aggregate ARPU = Mobile ARPU + "Hikari" ARPU
- Mobile ARPU: Mobile ARPU-related revenues(basic monthly charges, voice communication charges, packet communication charges) / No. of active users
- "Hikari" ARPU: "docomo Hikari" -related revenues (basic monthly charges, voice communication charges) / No. of active users
(3) Numbers of active users used in the ARPU calculation of NTT DOCOMO are as described below.
Sum of No. of active users for each month {(No. of users at the end of previous month + No. of users at the end of current month) / 2} during the relevant period
(4) The number of "users" used to calculate ARPU is the total number of subscriptions, excluding the subscriptions listed below:
- Subscriptions of communication module services, "Phone Number Storage," "Mail Address Storage," "docomo Business Transceiver" and wholesale telecommunications services and interconnecting telecommunications facilities that are provided to MVNOs, and Data Plan subscriptions in the case where the customer contracting for such subscription in his/her name also has a subscription for "5G," "Xi" or "FOMA" services in his/her name.
Note that revenues from communication module services, "Phone Number Storage," "Mail Address Storage," "docomo Business Transceiver" and wholesale telecommunications services and interconnecting telecommunications facilities that are provided to MVNOs and the impact on revenues from "dPOINT" program, etc. are not included in ARPU calculations.
(5) We compute the following two categories of ARPU for business conducted by each of NTT East and NTT West.
Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines): Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and INS-NET Subscriber Lines, which are included in operating revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP Services), and revenues from "FLET'S ADSL" and "FLET'S ISDN," which are included in operating revenues from IP Services.
FLET'S Hikari ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from "FLET'S Hikari" (including "FLET'S Hikari" optional services), which are included in operating revenues from IP Services, revenues from monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges for "Hikari Denwa," and revenues from "FLET'S Hikari" optional services, which are included in Supplementary Business revenues.
- "FLET'S Hikari" includes "FLET'S Hikari Cross," "FLET'S Hikari Next," "FLET'S Hikari Light," "FLET'S Hikari Lightplus" and "FLET'S Hikari WiFi Access" provided by NTT East, and "FLET'S Hikari Cross," "FLET'S Hikari Next," "FLET'S Hikari Mytown Next," and "FLET'S Hikari Light" provided by NTT West. In addition, "FLET'S Hikari" also includes the "Hikari Collaboration Model," the wholesale provision of services to service providers by NTT East and NTT West.
- "FLET'S Hikari" Optional Services includes wholesale services provided to service providers by NTT East and NTT West.
(6) Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines) and FLET'S Hikari ARPU do not include interconnection charges.
(7) Numbers of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT East and NTT West are as below.
Results: Sum of number of active subscribers {(number of subscribers at end of previous month + number of subscribers at end of the current month)/2} for each month in the relevant period
FY Forecast: Sum of the average expected active number of subscribers during the fiscal year ((number of subscribers at March 31, 2021 + number of expected subscribers at March 31, 2022)/2)x12
(8) For purposes of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), the number of subscribers is determined based on the number of subscriptions for fixed-line services (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines).
(9) In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64. For this reason, for the purpose of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), one INS-Net 1500 subscription is calculated as ten INS-Net 64 subscriptions.
(10) For purposes of calculating FLET'S Hikari ARPU, the number of subscribers is determined based on the number of FLET'S Hikari subscribers, which includes subscribers to "FLET'S Hikari Cross," "FLET'S Hikari Next," "FLET'S Hikari Light," "FLET'S Hikari Lightplus" and "FLET'S Hikari WiFi Access" provided by NTT East, subscribers to "FLET'S Hikari Cross," "FLET'S Hikari Next," "FLET'S Hikari Mytown Next," and "FLET'S Hikari Light" provided by NTT West, and the "Hikari Collaboration Model," the wholesale provision of services to service providers by NTT East and NTT West.
(11) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).





3. Operating Data (Number of Employees)
Number of Employees (Persons)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
As of June 30 As of September 30 As of December 31 As of March 31 As of June 30 As of September 30 As of December 31 As of March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)(5)
NTT Consolidated Number of Employees 332,950 335,200 337,850 333,850 341,950 342,850 - - 339,050
Integrated ICT Business Segment (1) 48,100 48,100 48,100 46,500 48,350 48,250 - - 47,750
Regional communications business Segment 77,500 77,100 77,250 72,950 74,800 74,550 - - 71,550
Global Solutions Business Segment (1) 180,600 183,100 185,600 188,300 191,950 193,200 - - 193,250
Others(Real Estate, Energy and Others) (1) 26,750 26,900 26,900 26,100 26,850 26,850 - - 26,500
Number of Employees, by Core Group Companies
NTT DOCOMO Group 48,100 48,100 48,100 46,500 48,350 48,250 - - 47,750
NTT East Group 38,750 38,550 38,600 36,550 37,550 37,400 - - 36,550
NTT West Group 38,750 38,550 38,650 36,400 37,250 37,150 - - 35,000
NTT DATA Consolidated (After integration of overseas business) (2) - - - 188,150 191,850 193,200 - - 193,100
NTT DATA Consolidated (Prior to integration of overseas businesses) (3) 142,750 145,750 149,100 152,000 155,800 158,200 - - 159,000
NTT Ltd. Group (4) 37,700 37,150 36,300 36,150 36,050 35,000 - - 34,100
(1) NTT has implemented a revision of its business segments beginning with the fourth quarter of FY2021 (please refer to "Revision of Segments (page 13)" for a summary of the segment revision). In connection with this revision, results for periods from the third quarter of FY2021 and earlier that are presented above have been restated and are presented on the basis of the new segments.
(2) Represents the combined total of the full-year FY2022 forecasts for NTT DATA Consolidated (Prior to Integration of Overseas Business) and the NTT Ltd. Group.
(3) Represents figures for NTT DATA Consolidated on its current basis, excluding the impact of the global business integration scheduled to be implemented in October 2022.
(4) Represents figures for NTT Ltd. Group on its current basis, excluding the impact of the global business integration scheduled to be implemented in October 2022.
(5) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2023 have not been changed from those announced in the financial results ended March 31, 2022 (announced on May 12, 2022).




&"Meiryo UI,標準"-12-

(Ref.) 13(E)
(Ref.) Revision of Segments
For the strategic group-wide utilization of resources and assets and for speeding up decision-making, the Company has overhauled the corporate structure which has involved making NTT DOCOMO a wholly owned subsidiary in December 2020 and furthermore making NTT Communications and NTT Comware subsidiaries of NTT DOCOMO in January 2022. Accordingly, effective from the fourth quarter of FY2021, the Group has transitioned to a four-segment structure consisting of the Integrated ICT Business, Regional Communications Business, Global Solutions Business, and Others (Real Estate, Energy and Others), from its previous five-segment structure consisting of the Mobile Communications Business, Regional Communications Business, Long Distance and International Communications Business, Data Communications Business, and Other Business. In connection with this revision, results from the third quarter of FY2021 and earlier have been restated and are presented on the basis of the new segments.

&"Meiryo UI,標準"-13-

(Ref.) 14(E)
(Ref.) Financial Results Summary (Former NTT DOCOMO Group (excluding NTT Communications Group and NTT Comware Group)(1), Former NTT Communications Group)
Overview of Financial Results (IFRS) (Billions of yen)
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2022 (E)
Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Three Months Ended June 30 Three Months Ended September 30 Three Months Ended December 31 Three Months Ended March 31 Year Ended March 31 Year Ending March 31 (Forecast)
Former NTT DOCOMO Group (excluding NTT Communications Group and NTT Comware Group) (1)(2)
Operating revenues 1,159.6 1,156.6 1,201.2 1,196.4 4,713.8 - - - - - 4,802.0
Telecommunications services 770.7 771.9 753.3 750.7 3,046.6 - - - - - -
Mobile communications services 671.3 671.8 652.9 649.6 2,645.6 - - - - - -
Optical-fiber broadband service and other telecommunications services 99.4 100.2 100.4 101.0 401.0 - - - - - -
Equipment sales 137.6 125.6 177.9 176.8 618.0 - - - - - -
Other 251.3 259.1 269.9 268.9 1,049.2 - - - - - -
Operating expenses 915.2 904.7 927.9 1,038.0 3,785.9 - - - - - -
Personnel expenses 75.3 74.9 75.1 71.0 296.3 - - - - - -
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 556.4 545.7 567.9 680.0 2,350.1 - - - - - -
Depreciation and amortization 153.4 155.1 156.4 157.2 622.1 - - - - - -
Impairment losses - - - 0.2 0.2 - - - - - -
Communication network charges 118.5 118.5 119.5 116.9 473.3 - - - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 11.7 10.5 9.0 12.7 43.9 - - - - - -
Operating profit 244.4 251.9 273.3 158.3 927.9 - - - - - 936.0
Profit before taxes 245.3 252.2 275.5 157.8 930.9 - - - - - -
Profit attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC. 171.5 173.4 191.1 112.1 648.0 - - - - - -
Former NTT Communications Group (2)
Operating revenues (3) 244.0 260.1 249.6 293.8 1,047.6 1,070.4 - - - - - 1,080.0
Cloud computing platforms 25.3 25.9 26.1 27.4 104.7 102.8 - - - - - -
Data networks 96.8 99.3 97.7 98.4 392.2 391.1 - - - - - -
Voice communications 50.9 50.8 50.6 51.4 203.6 221.8 - - - - - -
Applications & content 18.5 18.3 18.6 20.9 76.3 74.1 - - - - - -
Solution services 46.5 60.5 50.1 89.6 246.8 255.1 - - - - - -
Other 6.1 5.3 6.5 6.2 24.0 25.4 - - - - - -
Operating expenses 208.9 223.1 216.0 264.5 912.5 933.1 - - - - - -
Personnel expenses 32.5 30.9 31.8 31.2 126.4 126.6 - - - - - -
Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses 145.2 160.8 152.2 190.2 648.3 671.5 - - - - - -
Depreciation and amortization 29.6 29.5 30.0 31.1 120.1 115.7 - - - - - -
Impairment losses - - - - - - - - - - -
Expenses on disposal of fixed assets 0.9 1.3 1.4 3.9 7.5 9.0 - - - - - -
Taxes and dues 0.7 0.6 0.6 8.1 10.1 10.3 - - - - - -
Operating profit 35.2 37.0 33.6 29.3 135.1 137.3 - - - - - 141.0
Profit before taxes 37.0 38.6 39.9 29.5 145.0 148.7 - - - - - -
Profit attributable to NTT Communications 25.5 26.5 29.1 19.4 100.5 115.7 - - - - - -
Former NTT DOCOMO Group (excluding NTT Communications Group and NTT Comware Group) Financial Indicators (1)(2)
Free cash flow (4) 11.0 558.3 145.8 307.6 1,022.7 - - - - - -
EBITDA (5) 376.8 385.8 407.2 296.3 1,466.1 - - - - - -
(Ref.) Former NTT DOCOMO Group (excluding NTT Communications Group and NTT Comware Group) Operating Income in Each Segment (1)(2)
Telecommunications business
Operating revenues 904.1 893.9 933.7 929.0 3,660.8 - - - - - -
Operating profit (loss) 184.5 188.4 199.4 114.5 686.8 - - - - - -
Operating margin 20.4% 21.1% 21.4% 12.3% 18.8% - - - - - -
Smart life business
Operating revenues 150.1 157.4 159.3 152.2 619.0 - - - - - -
Operating profit (loss) 23.2 21.9 30.3 ( 0) 75.4 - - - - - -
Operating margin 15.5% 13.9% 19.0% (0.0%) 12.2% - - - - - -
Other businesses
Operating revenues 115.4 115.7 118.6 127.8 477.4 - - - - - -
Operating profit (loss) 36.7 41.6 43.6 43.8 165.7 - - - - - -
Operating margin 31.8% 36.0% 36.8% 34.3% 34.7% - - - - - -
(Incl.) Smart life business and other businesses
Operating revenues 265.5 273.0 277.8 280.0 1,096.4 - - - - - -
Operating profit (loss) 59.9 63.5 73.9 43.8 241.2 - - - - - -
Operating margin 22.6% 23.3% 26.6% 15.6% 22.0% - - - - - -
(Ref.) Capital investment by group(1)
Former NTT DOCOMO Group (excluding NTT Communications Group and NTT Comware Group) 122.7 126.0 127.9 171.5 548.1 - - - - - -
Former NTT Communications Group 20.7 17.3 21.1 42.8 101.9 - - - - - -
(Ref.) Former NTT DOCOMO Group (excluding NTT Communications Group and NTT Comware Group)(1) 122.7 126.0 127.9 171.5 548.1 - - - - - -
Telecommunications business 112.3 112.1 114.0 155.9 494.3 - - - - - -
Smart life business 7.9 9.8 10.6 11.1 39.5 - - - - - -
Other businesses 2.5 4.1 3.3 4.5 14.3 - - - - - -
Number of Employees, by Core Group Companies(1)
Former NTT DOCOMO Group (excluding NTT Communications Group and NTT Comware Group) 29,650 29,650 29,550 28,750 28,750 - - - - - -
Former NTT Communications Group 12,150 12,200 12,200 11,850 11,850 - - - - - -
(1) Results for the former NTT DOCOMO Group, prior to NTT Communications and NTT Comware becoming subsidiaries (completed on January 1, 2022), are presented above as figures for reference.
(2) The scope of aggregation for each of the figures presented for the former NTT DOCOMO Group and for the former NTT Communications Group consists of internal management figures after eliminating internal transactions between the former NTT DOCOMO, former NTT Communications and their respective subsidiaries. Such figures are not audited and are provided for reference only.
(3) The following are the main services included in each line item: Cloud computing platforms: "Data center services" and "Private cloud services (Enterprise cloud, etc.)" / Data networks: "Closed network services (Arcstar Universal One, etc.)" and "Open network services (OCN, etc.)" / Voice communications: "Telephone services" and "VoIP services (050 plus, etc.)" / Applications & content: "Application services (Mail services, etc.)" / Solution services: "System integration services"
(4) Adjusted free cash flow is calculated excluding the effects of changes in investment derived from purchases, redemption at maturity and disposals of financial instruments held for cash management purposes with original maturities of longer than three months.
(5) Beginning with the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, depreciation charges for right-of-use assets have been excluded from EBITDA and its depreciation and amortization components.
Segment Principal Services, etc., Included in Each Reportable Segment
Telecommunications business Mobile communications services:5G services, LTE(Xi) services , FOMA services (3G), International services, Sales of handset/equipment for each service, etc. Optical-fiber broadband service and other telecommunications services: Optical-fiber broadband service, Satellite communications service, etc.
Smart life business Content/Lifestyle services: "dTV," "d hits," "d magazine," "d shopping," "d healthcare," "NTT Plala Inc.," "Oak Lawn Marketing, Inc.," "Tower Records Japan Inc.," etc. Finance/Payment services: "d CARD," "d CARD GOLD," "iD," "d Payment," Fintech, etc.
Other businesses Support services for customers' peace of mind: "Mobile Device Protection Service," "Anshin Remote Support," etc. Enterprise solutions: Enterprise IoT solutions, System development/sales/maintenance services, etc.






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NTT - Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corporation published this content on 10 November 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 10 November 2022 08:56:03 UTC.