13,638,806 Shares of Nord Insuretech Group AB are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 14-FEB-2021. These Shares will be under lockup for 367 days starting from 13-FEB-2020 to 14-FEB-2021.

Some key shareholders have undertaken not to divest their direct and/or indirect shareholding in the Company without written consent for a period of twelve months from the first day of trading, for 13,638,806 shares. The individuals/companies covered by the undertaking are: Vikna Holding AS (Ivar Williksen) with the exception of 500,000 shares, BLS Holding AS (Børge Leknes), PLV Holding AS (Pål Lauvrak), Taarnet Consulting AS (Morten Kvam), Ole Morten Settevik, Lakeside AS (Kathryn Moore Baker), 1337 Invest AS (John Bjørnsen), Müller Invest Holding ApS (Carsten Müller) and Experiments AS (Espen Einn).