Nufarm Limited announced the Norwegian Food Safety Authority's (NFSA) decision to approve Aquaterra® Omega-3 oil for use in fish feed. Aquaterra is derived from Nuseed® Omega-3 Canola - the world's first plant-based source of DHA and EPA essential nutrients. After a comprehensive assessment, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority approves an oil from genetically modified rapeseed.

The oil can only be used for fish feed, and is considered safe for health and the environment. Both the oil and the feed must be labelled as genetically modified. In June 2022, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority received the very first application for approval of a genetically modified product.

It concerned oil from a rapeseed genetically modified to produce long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that are otherwise normally extracted by marine organisms. The rapeseed (with unique code NS-B5Ø27-4) was developed as a land-based alternative to marine fatty acids, mainly DHA. The fatty acids are important for the health and welfare of salmon. According to the applicant, Australian seed manufacturer Nuseed, the production of Aquaterra® rapeseed oil has a low environmental footprint, since only five percent of today's rapeseed area is needed to double the world's supply of omega-3 oil.

The applicant therefore believes that rapeseed oil will be a sustainable alternative to marine omega-3 resources.