The board of directors of Ocean Star Technology Group Limited announced that with effect from 13 July 2022, Mr. Zheng Sihu ("Mr. Zheng") has been appointed as an executive Director and chairman of the Board. Mr. Zheng, aged 37, holds a bachelor degree in Accounting from Wuhan University of
Technology. Mr. Zheng has over ten years of experience in sales and marketing for different market segments including medical sector and financial sector. He has extensive experience in corporate management and overall strategic planning. In accordance with the letter of appointment made between Mr. Zheng and the Company, Mr. Zheng has been appointed as an executive Director for an initial fixed term of one year commencing from 13 July 2022 unless terminated by at least one month's notice in writing served by either party on the other and is subject to retirement and re-election in accordance with the articles of association of the Company.