Olmix Société Anonyme launched a new tool which offers the possibility to estimate the mycotoxin contamination risk of the feed by answering simple questions about problems encountered on the herd, crop practices and storage quality of feed. Depending of climate conditions and crop practices, animal feed is more or less contaminated with high levels of mycotoxines like Fusarium ones, DON, Zearalenon and Fumonisins. However there isn't always specific symptoms on the animals to establish a mycotoxicosis diagnosis.

When a herd shows decreased performances despite a good management it is important to look for the mycotoxin contamination risk in feed. To easily estimate the probability of significant levels of mycotoxins in the feed (there is almost no feed free of mycotoxins) Olmix provides to farmers the Mycotoxin Risk Evaluator. This on line tool offers the possibility in few clicks to estimate the contamination risk of the feed by answering simple questions about problems encountered on the herd, crop practices and storage quality of feed, for both Dairy Mycotoxin Risk Evaluator - Dairy and swine production, Mycotoxin Risk Evaluator - Swine.

The Mycotoxin Risk Evaluator estimates the probability to have significant mycotoxin contamination; the given probability is a way to drive the farmer towards the right answer which can for instance be lab analysis of the mycotoxin contamination and/or the setting of a mycotoxin protection program as the mycotoxin binder MT.X+, MMIS.