OncotelicTherapeutics, Inc. announced a strategic partnership with Vectara, to accelerate the development of novel therapies for the treatment of cancer, infectious disease, and aging. A LLM is an artificial intelligence (AI) system that uses deep learning algorithms to generate natural language from a large corpus of text. It is trained on a large text dataset and can generate new text similar to the original dataset.

Large language models are used for a variety of tasks, such as natural language processing, text generation, and machine translation. LLMs such as ChatGPT took the world by storm forever changing how do things. The Challenge: One of the major challenges faced by scientists and researchers is the laborious and expensive process of sifting through massive research papers and publications to find valuable statistics or data points that could aid in the innovation and creation of new or improved immunotherapies.

Publicly available artificial intelligence (AI) tools lack the required depth that subject matter experts need, despite their breadth in searching a large volume of data. The Proposed Solution: To address this challenge, scientists must create meticulously validated corpora by combining private and public research, and then applying advanced NLU algorithms interactively with a conversational AI Research Assistant. The Expected Benefits: The solution is expected to speed up pharmaceutical research to gain relevant and significantly robust results by accelerating the acquisition of insights, potentially leading to solutions for drug discovery and formulation.

Oncotelic's use cases demonstrate the potential for Vectara's innovative LLM-powered search in areas like life sciences and healthcare, where the demands for scientific accuracy limit the usefulness of most conversational AI tools. Vectara's “Grounded Generation” ensures that responses to the questions posed are constrained only to the relevant and specific source data set.