Mr. Brian Riady ("Mr. Brian") is stepping down as a Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director of OUE Healthcare Limited (the "Company") with effect from 2 January 2024 to assume other responsibilities within the OUE Group. Mr. Abram Melkyzedeck Suhardiman will be appointed as Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director of the Company in his place. To the best of its knowledge, the Company's Sponsor, PrimePartners Corporate Finance Pte.

Ltd., is satisfied that save as disclosed in this announcement, there are no other material reasons for the stepping down of Mr. Brian as a Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director of the Company. Other DirectorShips Present: 1. All Around Holdings Limited (Director) 2. CBX Pte. Ltd. (Director) 3. Chatterbox Pte.

Ltd. (Director) 4. Chenexpress Pte. Ltd. (Director) 5. Cuisine Continental Group (HK) Ltd. (Director) 6. Cuisine Continental (HK) Limited (Director) 7. Cuisine Creations Pte. Ltd. (Director) 8. Echo Healthcare Management Pte Ltd. (Director) 9. Empire Asia Merchant Pte.

Ltd. (Director) 10. Encore Dining Pte. Ltd. (Director) 11.

Hongkong Chinese Limited (Executive Director) 12. LCR Catering Services Limited (Director) 13. Lippo China Resources Limited (Executive Director) 14.

Lippo Limited (Executive Director) 15. Mandarin Hotel (Singapore) Private Limited (in the process of striking off) (Director) 16. Delifrance Singapore Pte.

Ltd. (Director) 17. Maxx Coffee Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Director) 18.

Meritus Hotels Pte. Ltd. (Director) 19. Meritus Hotels & Resorts Sdn Bhd (in the process of liquidation) (Director) 20.

Meritus International Pte. Ltd. (Director) 21. Oddish Ventures Pte.

Ltd. (Director) 22. OUE Airport Hotel Pte. Ltd. (Director) 23.

OUE Altro Pte. Ltd. (Director) 24. OUE Capital Pte.

Ltd. (Director) 25. OUE Capital Management Pte. Ltd. (Director) 26.

OUE Commercial REIT Management Pte. Ltd. (as the manager of OUE Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust) (Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director) 27. OUE Dining Pte.

Ltd. (Director) 28. OUE Hashida Pte. Ltd. (Director) 29.

OUE International Holdings Pte. Ltd. (in the process of striking off) (Director) 30. OUE Limited (Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Non-Independent executive Director) 31.

RD Hotel Holdings Pte. Ltd. (formerly known as RD Digital Holdings Pte. Ltd.) (Director) 32.

OUE Rempapa Pte. Ltd. (Director) 33. OUE Restaurants Pte.

Ltd. (Director) 34. OUE Trademarks Pte. Ltd. (Director) 35.

OUE Treasury Pte. Ltd. (Director) 36. OUE USA Services Corp.

(President and Chief Executive Officer) 37. PT Cinemaxx Global Pasifik (Commissioner) 38. Shisen Hanten Restaurant Pte.

Ltd. (Director) 39. Singapore Mandarin International Hotels Pte Ltd. (Director) 40. Singapore Meritus International Hotels Pte Ltd. (Director) 41.

Superfood Retail Limited (Director) 42. Takayama Restaurant Pte. Ltd. (Director).

Other DirectorShips Past: 1. Beringia Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Director) - struck off 2. Clovis Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Director) - struck off 3. Gainmate Hong Kong Limited (Director) - deregistered 4. Meritus Hotels & Resorts Limited (Director) - deregistered 5. OUE Skyspace Holdings Corp.

(Director and President) - dissolved 6. Plainfield Creek Pte. Ltd. (Director) - struck off 7. PT MHPL Indonesia (Commissioner) - liquidated and dissolved 8. Silver Tail Pte. Ltd. (Director) - struck off.