Oxford Technology 4 Venture Capital Trust Plc announced earnings results for the year ended February 29, 2016. For the year, the company reported gain on disposal of  fixed asset investments of £1,049,000, unrealised gain on valuation of fixed asset investments of £1,355,000, return on ordinary activities before tax of £2,366,000, return on ordinary activities after tax attributable to equity shareholders of £2,366,000 or £20.6 pence per basic and diluted share, inflow from operating activities of £54,000 compared to the loss on disposal of  fixed asset investments of £273,000, unrealised gain on valuation of fixed asset investments of £118,000, loss on ordinary activities before tax of £352,000, loss on ordinary activities after tax attributable to equity shareholders of £352,000 or £3.1 pence per basic and diluted share, outflow from operating activities of £12,000 for the previous year.