Premier Biomedical, Inc. announced they have obtained exclusive rights to the recently allowed U.S. patent application, 'Sequential Extracorporeal Treatment of Bodily Fluids', covering the basic technology underpinning Premier's on-going research into new, innovative treatments for many of most debilitating diseases. The company intends to develop its proprietary methodology in which the pathologies are eradicated by sequentially dialyzing the patient's blood extracorporeally (outside the body). The method will utilize designer antibodies to physically remove the pathophysiologic basis of the disease.

For example, in cancer treatment, there will be the physical attachment and removal of metastasizing cancer cells, proteins or molecules which are responsible for the development, progression and metastasis of the disease. This extracorporeal methodology has an enormous potential for dramatically decreasing any side effects in the treatment of ill patients. The estimated expenditures for cancer treatment in the U.S. in 2010 were approx.

$124.5 Billion, and projected to rise to $158 - $175 Billion by 2020.