The board of directors of Qingdao AInnovation Technology Group Co., Ltd. announced that on 24 August 2023, the Company entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with the Cloud Computing and Big Data Research Institute of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. The Board believes that digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) provide a broad upgrade space for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry during the critical period of China's manufacturing industry transforming from quantity and scale expansion to quality and efficiency improvement, laying a solid and long-term cooperation foundation for both parties. A strategic cooperation made between the Company and CCBDRI of CAICT, pursuant to which the parties will give full play to their respective advantages, share and build together in the fields of AI technology research and AI manufacturing integration, exploring the implementation of AI industrialization and working together to accelerate the transformation of industrial digital intelligence to help high-quality development of the Manufacturing industry.

Pursuant to the Strategic Cooperation Agreement, the parties will: Jointly carry out technical and industrial research in the field of AI in subdivided industries. The Company will contribute industrial experience and strength when participating in the preparation of the soft science research and report white paper by the China Academy of information and Communications Technology, so as to jointly output related research results; Jointly explore and build a credible AI evaluation platform, continuously deepen the construction of relevant standard systems, and jointly output research results. The Company will deeply participate in evaluation related work to promote the standardized development of AI technology products; and Carry out relevant ecological cooperation in AI to empower industry and jointly promote industry cooperation and exchanges to share relevant information on the latest development trends of AI technology and the application of typical industries such as manufacturing and financial services.

The parties will jointly establish a working group and other forms to build an industrial exchange and cooperation platform, fully mobilize industry attention through technical salons, forums, etc., and continuously promote technological innovation in the field of AI and empower industry scenarios with AI technology.