Rafael Microelectronics, Inc. announced change of spokesperson, financial officer, accounting officer, corporate governance officer and internal audit officer. Date of occurrence of the change: November 8, 2023. Name, title, and resume of the previous position holder: Spokesperson/Anita Yen, the Vice President of Rafael Microelectronics, Inc. Financial officer, accounting officer and corporate governance officer/Anita Yen, the Vice President of Rafael Microelectronics, Inc. Internal audit officer/Susan Su, the Internal audit officer of Rafael Microelectronics, Inc. Name, title, and resume of the new position holder: Spokesperson/Cashew chen, the Vice President of Rafael Microelectronics, Inc. Financial officer, accounting officer and corporate governance officer/Susan Su, the Internal audit officer of Rafael Microelectronics, Inc. Internal audit officer/Owen chen, the Internal audit of Rafael Microelectronics, Inc. Type of change: Position adjustment.

Any other matters that need to be specified: Anita Yen, the vice president of the Company, will be transferred to special assistant to the chairman.