Raffles Infrastructure Holdings Limited announced Cessation of Ryan Chiu Tzong Min as Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Ryan Chiu Tzong Min is responsible for overseeing the organization's overall performance, managing stakeholders, driving financial performance, optimizing operations, mitigating risks, representing the group externally, and ensuring the achievement of the organizational objectives. Reason For Cessation: To focus on personal matters which requires more of Mr. Ryan Chiu Tzong Min's time, and to pursue other business opportunities.

In view of the foregoing and given that the Company is currently undergoing a delisting process, Mr. Ryan Chiu Tzong Min does not have sufficient time to focus on his role as an Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Company. That said, Mr. Ryan Chiu Tzong Min will continue his role as the executive officer for the Group's digital business segment. Mr. Ryan Chiu Tzong Min will remain as a director of Raffles Digital Infrastructure Pte.

Ltd., Raffles Digital Infrastructure (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, Raffles Digital Infrastructure (Philippines) Inc, PT Raffles Digital Infrastructure Indonesia, Raffles Infrastructure Development Holdings Pte. Ltd. and Raffles Infrastructure Development Pte.

Ltd. Mr. Ryan Chiu Tzong Min will report directly to the Company's Board. Mr. Ryan Chiu Tzong Min confirms that there are no concerns or disagreements with the Board or management of the Company over matters involving the Company that led to his resignation. Other DirectorShips Past: RMS Quality Pte Ltd. Siambev Pte Ltd. SC Inter Trade Pte Ltd. Megarig HeavyLift Services Pte Ltd. Other DirectorShips Present: Raffles Digital Infrastructure Pte.

Ltd. Raffles Infrastructure Development Holdings Pte. Ltd. Raffles Infrastructure Development Pte. Ltd. PT.

Raffles Digital Infrastructure Indonesia Raffles Digital Infrastructure (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Raffles Digital Infrastructure (Philippines) Inc.