Raffles Infrastructure Holdings Limited announced the cessation of Wong Ann Chai as Independent Director and Non-Executive Chairman. Other directorships past: Oceanus Group Limited, Haggaitwo Pte. Ltd., Oceanus Tech Pte.

Ltd., NTI Memtech Pte. Ltd. Other directorships present: Nanosun Pte. Ltd., SG Aquakulture Pte.

Ltd. Mr. Wong Ann Chai has resigned in view of the unwillingness of the Company's shareholders to inject more capital and/or procure an exit offer with cash as per SGX listing rules for delisting. The requisition by shareholders to remove him belies the clear loss of mandate or confidence in him as an Independent Director. Mr. Wong Ann Chai confirms that there are no concerns or disagreements with the Board or management of the Company over matters involving the Company that led to his resignation.