Melior Resources Inc. updated the market about progress at its Goondicum Ilmenite Project. Commissioning at Goondicum continued through April with ilmenite production of 7,830 tonnes and apatite production of 860 tonnes against budget goals of 10,700 tonnes and 2,300 tonnes respectively. Cumulative ilmenite production since start of commissioning through the end of April 2019 is at 89% of budget with 30,570 tonnes produced against a budget of 34,420 tonnes. Recent plant performance has reached the 330 tonnes per day of ilmenite required to be cash flow breakeven, however, this is yet to be achieved on a sustained basis and at the quality levels required. No Lost Time Incidents were recorded during April. Apatite production has been below budget since the resumption of operations in November 2018, averaging 33 tonnes per day (tpd) for March and April against a budget of 70tpd. However, as a result of minor plant modifications, production over the past 7 days has averaged 115tpd of on-specification product, 138% above the nameplate production level of 82tpd. Ilmenite production has also performed below expectation for March and April averaging 257tpd against a budget average of 328tpd. Over the past 7 days, production has increased to an average 330tpd against a budget level of 397tpd. The underperformance is largely throughput related and actions to increase the hourly plant throughput are underway. The project is anticipated to achieve a consistent production level of 460tpd at full production. The production of the targeted AA ilmenite quality specification has taken longer than anticipated to be consistently achieved. However, modifications to the dephos circuit are leading to a gradual improvement in product quality and expect to consistently produce AA product in due course. The lower than planned product quality is manifesting itself through lower than anticipated project revenue. Operating costs, inclusive of the cost of minor plant modifications, for March and April have been above budget levels and are forecast to reduce once production targets are achieved. Notwithstanding delays in achieving the required quality and introductory discounts, in Australian dollar terms, current market ilmenite prices appear to be close to budget of $275/t for the AA spec ilmenite. Ilmenite demand remains strong with continuing enquiries from around the world for Goondicum ilmenite products.