Today, Realtime Technology AG (RTT) (ticker symbol: R1T) announces that with the court appointment of Bernard Charlès, Dr. Mario Ohle, Andreas Barth, Didier Gaillot, Philippe Laufer and Samia Sellam, the Supervisory Board of the company has been appointed anew. Bernard Charlès is the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board; Dr. Mario Ohle serves as Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board. This new lineup follows the reorganization of the Managing Board with Roberto Schettler as new CEO of RTT Group and the naming of Monica Menghini, Executive Committee Member at Dassault Systèmes, as new addition.

RTT appointed Monica Menghini as Board Member in order to merge expertise and know-how of the two entities in line with Dassault Systèmes´ vision of ´Marketing in the Age of Experience´. Being in charge of Industry, Marketing and Corporate Communications as Dassault Systèmes Executive Vice President, Monica Menghini drives the development of a unique value creation framework that involves all Dassault Systèmes players of innovation to better serve industries and deliver even greater value for customers.

The following six members form and act as the new RTT Supervisory Board:

  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board
    Bernard Charlès, President and CEO of Dassault Systèmes SA

  • Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
    Dr. Mario Ohle, Lawyer and Partner at Taylor Wessing Germany

  • Supervisory Board Member
    Andreas Barth, Engineer, CEO of 3DS Acquisition AG and Managing Director of Dassault Systemes Deutschland GmbH

  • Supervisory Board Member
    Didier Gaillot, Consultant

  • Supervisory Board Member
    Philippe Laufer, Engineer, CATIA CEO at Dassault Systèmes SA

  • Supervisory Board Member
    Samia Sellam, Lawyer and Corporate Director at Dassault Systèmes SA
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