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  • Press Release
  • Financial Services

Munich, 28 November 2013

Macros Reply document management solutions are supporting the LfF on its path towards paperless processes.

Macros Reply prevailed over prestigious competitors in the "Paperless processing in the benefits system" call for tender and has won Bavaria's State Office for Finance (LfF) as a new customer together with Insiders Technologies. The project comprises the optimization of the LfF's entire process chain from mail receipt through to print control. Macros Reply is within Reply specialized in browser-based document management, mailbox, filing and workflow systems, as well as archiving and storage solutions with an emphasis on banks, insurance companies and public administration.

For the first step data will be digitalised and information extracted through SmartFix from Insiders Technologies. Macros Reply will then implement its mailbox/filing solution at the LfF to ensure intelligent distribution to mailboxes and workflows, in the controlling and accessing of the Bavarian benefits calculation system, and finally, in print control from the mailbox.

The LfF is part of the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and is responsible for financial administration. The benefits system complements the medical insurance payments for officials and their dependents with a supplementary benefit. As with a private medical insurance policy, the benefits are paid out to recipients on provision of proof of their use for medical services. This business process - from submission of a claim for medical costs to their reimbursement - was dealt with predominantly in paper form. This system is being introduced with the aim of establishing a fully electronic process with no media breaks.

With Macros Mailbox & File, the staff member then has a solution available for the intuitive processing of the data. In the mailbox, he or she can find all unresolved applications and resubmissions and can go directly to the applicant's file. Access to all the paperwork belonging to a file, alongside the management and accessing of the Bavarian benefits calculation system from the Macros system, mean that applications can be processed more quickly and more efficiently.

Macros Reply products and solutions offer a range of functions and can be easily tailored to the client's needs. It is these attributes plus the expertise of Macros Reply acquired in similar projects that ultimately convinced the LfF of its decision during the tender process.

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